Watch! Sierra Heiny’s Testimony Our own personal testimonies of what God has done in our lives can be one of the most powerful stories and truths that we can share with one another. Eighteen year old Sierra Heiny shares her own journey through transparency and struggle, her heartfelt words will impact everyone. If you have a friend or a child who is encountering difficulty in school, battling with depression or suicide, allow them to hear the impact of her genuine story, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: bullying, depression, anxiety, suicide, humility, repentance, testimony, abuse and The Good News. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.
What has been accomplished through ACLJ in 2014?
America is a land of laws and it is important for us to be aware of these laws and to be involved. Jay Sekulow and The American Center for Law and Justice is doing just that. There are so many powerful impactful outcomes that have been done because of their efforts. President Obama has made past efforts to make decisions that have stretched beyond his Constitutional abilities of the Executive Office. Because of the ACLJ, this was stopped. The ObamaCare abortion-pill mandate was overturned. From the effects of the ACLJ’s willingness to act, the Second Circuit Court allowed the “Ground Zero Cross” at the National September 11 Museum. Hear more about each of these victories, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Constitution, George Washington, free speech laws, campus ministries, evangelism, prayer, and support. Greg, Pat and John shared in this segment.
Praying for Pastor Saeed who Spent Third Christmas in a Prison Cell
Pastor Saeed Abedini has been in an Iranian Prison for over 3 years, jailed for his faith in Jesus Christ. Pastor Saeed wrote a letter to his family sharing his own personal experiences in prison, the bitterly cold nights, and how the guards have treated him. During this Christmas season, even considering his situation, he has created a cross out of paper and put it on his cell wall. Amidst continual injuries to his body, unjust treatment, and persecution, this should challenge each of us to go after Christ. Hear more of Saeed’s riveting story, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: persecution, faith, fasting, hope, crisis, suffering, and prayer. Greg, Pat, and John shared in this segment.
A Wind Blows through the House of Islam: Muslims are coming to JESUS
CBN is reporting the riveting news of the wind of hope that is sweeping through the Middle East and the Arab countries. In an interview with David Garrison, and his new book, A Wind in the House of Islam, Garrison shares about such a powerful move of God that is happening that hasn’t been seen in nearly 14 centuries. People are encountering Jesus Christ and lives are being transformed. The hearts of nations are truly being reached. Hear the details of this exciting story, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: hope, faith, Holy Spirit, Great Commission, CBN, and nations. Greg, Pat and John shared in this segment.
Who is Your Favorite Teacher?
Of all the people that have an impact on each of our lives, do we remember the teachers that have impacted us the most? Who would be the most memorable? What do we remember about them? Our teachers show us things that we don’t always think is important at the time. As we get older, we see the lasting impact that these individuals had upon us. Of all these teachers that had a part to play in our lives, there is one Teacher who is above every other. Hear the stories of how some recount their most memorable memories, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: humor, English, hammer, spelling, and influence. Greg, Pat and John shared in this segment.