Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » WATCH! VFNtv December 4, 2014

WATCH! VFNtv December 4, 2014




When you look at People do you see a “Source” or a Soul?  Our Great Need for Love


Many are the responsibilities and entrustments that fill our daily lives. The most important thing about each of us is what we think about God. Who do we say that He is? Of all the situations and things that demand our thoughts, how often do we focus on our thoughts? What is on our minds? When we look at people, how do we perceive them: as sources, or a soul? By looking at people as a source, it can cause a myriad of emotions; from resentment for not getting what we wanted out of the relationship or fulfillment for receiving what we believed we needed. When we look at people as souls it is a vastly different perspective. We come to grip of the reality of their eternal destination, whether they like us or not. People cannot be our sources. Only God is our source. Be encouraged as you hear the journey of how God leads us on this journey, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: financial crisis, carpenter, Lordship, humility, shipwrecks, drought, wilderness, relationship, justice, gratitude, Youth With a Mission, and love.



NFL Football Player’s Son is the Star of this Press Conference

   Greg, John, and Pat discuss how a NFL football player’s son was the start of his press conference.  The young boy was asked to multiply to numbers in the 90’s together that were randomly selected by someone in attendance.  Football player dad then asked someone to multiply those numbers on a calculator.  All eyes were on the young boy and just after a few second he gave the accurate answer.  Just like that.


Trail Life: Get Started and begin a Troop: A New Adventure where God is the Center

   Greg, John, and Pat share their excitement for Trail Life as well as encouraging the listening and viewing audience to get started and begin a troop.  Trail Life is an exemplary organization where Christ is at the Center.  Inquire about how you can get started and be a part.



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