Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour February 12, 2015

VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour February 12, 2015



Don’t Let Your Season Pass You By. This is Your Moment to Love God with all of your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength


    As a nation, we did not simply get here. There have been countless mighty men and women of integrity who have done great exploits for God during the moments that made up their lives. Each of them had a season. President George Washington was faithful in his season during the birthing of this nation. Billy Graham was faithful during the season of his life. He brought such a resounding impact of integrity to his ministry that it is still being seen through his son Franklin Graham and the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. The only thing that connects the day that we were born to the day that we die is one small dash. This is our season. This is our moment to live out every minute we can to glorify God.


In Matthew 22, it was the religious leaders of the day that asked Jesus what was the greatest commandment? His answer? “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”-Matthew 22:37 There is so much religion in the world today. In order for each of us to walk a life of loving God, loving others, and leading others to do the same, we have to first understand who God is. By looking at Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, there are stark differences that are vital to see and understand before a life of loving God can be realized.


We have the greatest opportunity to live out the greatest commandment for Jesus Christ every day of our lives. If we don’t understand that this is the only season that we get, the one and only shot we have, we’ll miss it. Allow the eyes of your heart to be opened and awakened to see the mighty opportunity that you can begin walking out today, for the rest of your life, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Oral Roberts, William Seymour, End Times, the Anti-Christ, Jerusalem, Steve Hill, Brian Williams, 7 mountains, hope, and eternity. Greg and John shared in this segment.




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