LISTEN NOW! It was so refreshing to hear these words from Dr. Russell Moore, “We are not the moral majority, but the prophetic minority,” on CBNNews. He was speaking to the previous mindsets of Christians in the history of America where some formed organizations and called themselves the “moral majority.” Moral majority is a frightening identification for anyone who is in touch with what the apostle Paul speaks of in his letter to the Roman Church in Romans 7:7-8:4. The last thing Paul would call himself is a “moral majority” as so clearly stated here. I believe he would call himself totally dependent upon Jesus Christ, Who is able, to empower Him to live a life that is pleasing to God. I believe he would say through his complete reliance on the finished work on the Cross of Christ God’s Spirit empowered him to walk a moral life that he could have never done outside of the empowerment of Christ, yet he still failed at times even with good intentions, but God’s grace is sufficient and now that he walked with Christ he avoids and hate the darkness he once loved now that he lives in the Light, i.e. HUMILITY!
Culture Shift in Christian America Good for Gospel?