Remembering The Holocaust: NEVER AGAIN!
It is moments like this that the nation of Israel takes the time to remember the days of yesterday, history. It is Holocaust Remembrance Day. The nation of Israel and the Jewish people remember the atrocities and massacres that took place in the events of the Holocaust. When a siren is blasted throughout the streets of Israel, cars do not simply stop; people get out of their cars and stand motionless, to remember. If we do not remember the events of our history, both good and bad, whether through the lenses of books, videos, or other media, we are bound to experience it again through the realities of our own eyes.
When we revisit the events of what took place during the events of the Holocaust, it is vital to understand the events that unfolded before the Holocaust even began. Actions and events of politics were being carried out. Individuals were positioning themselves to run for leadership in government over a nation. One of these candidates was a man named Adolf Hitler who was eventually voted into leadership. The intentions of one man’s candidacy resulted in outright evil towards God and 6 million Jews being executed. Before Hitler rose to power, he made outright statements of his perspective of the Jews. He was not taken seriously. We cannot be naïve, blindly proclaiming that this will never happen in our nation. If we do not pay attention to history, history is bound to repeat itself.
In a CBN interview, 2 daughters share a riveting view of how the Holocaust has not only effected lives, but the generations of those that were birthed from the survivors. As two sisters share the horrors that were personally witnessed from the realities of the Holocaust, being able to carry on with their lives and have children of their own was seen as a victory over what Hitler had done.
As Christians, we need to remember this. We must not be silent. We must do all that we can to stand and after that, to stand. Remember to pray for Israel, for the Jewish people and that we, as the Body of Christ, will stand with Israel, boldly declaring, “NEVER AGAIN!” Watch some of the realities that took place, personal testimonies of survivors, such as Ellie Wiesel, how we must respond in our generation, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Holocaust, anti-Semitism, Ellie Wiesel, Adolf Hitler, entertainment, politics, leadership, evil, mercy, prayer, Frontline, Benjamin Netanyahu, Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial, Israel, persecution, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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