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Home » WATCH! VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour May 27, 2015

WATCH! VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour May 27, 2015





True Worship: Acts of Justice Culminating into a Third Great Awakening


Often times, we can caught up in the act, or any act for that matter, that is being done for the Lord with the mindset that, if its being done for the Lord, it must be right, God must accept it and be pleased with it. This is not always the case. George Barna did a study on worship and his statistics were quite staggering: ‘80% of regular church attenders believe worship is about them.’ When we look at the book of Amos, we find a stark contrast to our reactions to worship, and what God’s reactions can be:


“I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies are a stench to me. Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them. Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” Amos 5:21-23


When we begin to bring worship with one purpose in mind, the heart of God, we will see a profound difference of response and outcome than what we are presently witnessing. Sometimes, we can allow the enemy to steal the very worship that we are offering to God, even when it does have the right motive. Jeremy Riddle shares a profound understanding of worship by stating, “Worship is anything that is pleasing to the heart of God.” God cares about those to our left and right and those who are being treated unjustly, and more importantly, how we respond, or don’t respond to them. When we respond in this way, we have the potential of bringing about a Third Great Awakening and changing the very DNA of a culture, as the 1st and 2d Great Awakenings has done in the past. Hear the full story of how impacting it is to lead a life of worship, what God’s perspective of worship is, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Bethel Church, Jeremy Riddle, George Barna, justice, and injustice. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Gripping Interview with the Benham Brothers: Authors of New Book Whatever the Cost

   In an interview with The Blaze, Glenn Beck sits down with the authors of the book, Whatever the Cost, David and Jason Benham. Beck shares the powerful encounter he had when visiting Silicon Valley and the optimism of the people he met there. The Benham brothers share the Biblical principle of the mindset of those in Silicon Valley, they are producers. In the Book of Genesis 1:27 states, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness”. God created the heavens and the Earth. When we look at the lives of the forefathers of America, we can see the lives of creativity and productivity that they lived out clearly for all of us to see. In today’s culture, there is more of a consumer mentality. The Benham brothers describe this difference as simply as ‘rivers and ponds’. When we look at the stark difference of the two, there are no algae or bull frogs in a river. Plainly, the “ponds don’t do squat”.



God has called us to make an impactful presence wherever we are and where he has called us to be. In these places, there should be a transformation taking place, not only in our lives because of what God is doing, but in the lives of those around us. “We truly believe that Christianity is not just a religion, but a comprehensive world view that has the answers for all of life.” Allow these powerful realities to make a lasting impact in your life as you hear more of the stories of how their father raised them with Biblical principles, how millennials are currently seeing values vs. solutions, what the difference is between going to church and being the church, how to live a life of transformation, how to live out your testimony, how to be the salt of the earth, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.







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