Golden State Warriors NBA Champion Steph Curry’s Testimony!
The 2014-2015 season of the National Basketball Association (NBA) has come, culminating with the Golden State Warriors atop as the champions. The NBA Finals is always a powerful event to watch. What is even more stirring to mention is Golden State’s Point Guard, Steph Curry. As a Christian, Curry shares that he uses this platform to ‘Praise God’. “When I step on the floor, people should know who I represent….It’s in His name that we go out there and perform..”
When we give God the praise and all the glory, there’s no telling what God will do and what will happen. Curry is one of many athletes who have used the platform that God has given to give all the glory back to God. Hear about this exciting testimony and the journey from Stephan Curry himself, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: NBA Finals, Golden State Warriors, Lebron James, Tim Tebow, Benjamin Watson, New York Mets, and the New Orleans Saints.
Free Speech? Jewish Synagogue being Sued for meeting in a Home
When a local gathering of Jewish residents in Texas began to come together in their synagogue, one would not think there to be any problem. This gathering is in a home in a local residential neighborhood. CBN is reporting how neighbors have sued the synagogue because of the large amount of traffic that has amassed because of the meetings. Only problem, Orthodox Jews do not drive on the Sabbath, on Saturday, when they come together. What is this “traffic”? Approximately 20 people walk to this synagogue every Saturday. The city has notified the synagogue that they must get a city certificate costing $200,000 in order to continue meeting as well as meeting multiple code requirements, like handicap bathrooms and creating 13 parking spaces.
The first amendment of the United States Constitution clearly states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” What is important to remember is the importance of this event taking place in Texas. How the courts respond to this can have precedence to what is carried out and decided upon in future matters for bible studies, and any other gatherings in the state or nation. Hear the entire story, how the Church can respond to these events, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: CBN, Orthodox Judaism, synagogue, church gatherings, United States Constitution, First Amendments, local authorities, voting, city council, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Art Thomas at the VFN Dream Center at the VFNtv Studios August 28-30th
If you’ve been encouraged by the recent discussions and segments regarding what the Lord is doing through Art Thomas, there is more. Be greatly encouraged and walk out in your life what is being witnessed in Art’s and those who have already responded by being activated. Not only can you get your own 40-day activation manual, but you can also be present, in the Gulf Coast August 28th, 29th & 30th to see Art Thomas personally share what the Lord revealed to him.
Testimony: He Escaped N. Korea on One Leg with Crutches Traveling 6,000 Miles to Freedom
There are over 300 million people that currently live in America. Some may not be aware of this, but that population only comprises 5% of the 7 billion human beings that are currently living upon the Earth. Many are oppressed and under tyrannical dictatorship. This is true for those in North Korea under Kim Jun-Un, especially Christians in North Korea.
One particular man, Ji Seong-Ho, was living an impoverished life with his family, stealing coal from railway cars. On one particular trip, Ji ended up getting run over by the train severing his left leg. Because North Korea has a national healthcare system, Ji was able to get healthcare. With his life forever changed, having to walk with crutches, he cried out to God to get him out of North Korea. After traveling 6,000 miles he was able to escape North Korea. He gives his life to rescuing people out of North Korea.
When we see the vastly different realities of life in the world, it brings context and understanding to the saying, “when much is given, much is expected.” For those who have the blessings of America, we will be held responsible for the blessings that are so accessible. Hear more of this astonishing story and be challenged to see the world outside of your particular nation, to see the world as God sees the world, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: wealth, North Korea, persecution, resources, doctors, medical, blessings, rich, things, and stuff. Greg and John shared in this segment.
What Moves God?
It is not difficult to see and realize the vast amount of hurting people there are all across the world. When we come across some one that we want to pray for, whether a family member, friend, or complete stranger, it is encouraging to remember that God wants them to be healed more than we do. What is it that moves God? If it was poverty that moves God, wouldn’t He be moving the greatest in the nation of Nepal? If it was torture and torment that moved God, wouldn’t it be in North Korea or within Iranian prisons that God would be moving the most? If it was money that moves God, wouldn’t He be moving the most in America? God moves in response to our faith. When we encounter those mountains in our lives, there are words that we can shout. Be encouraged as you are uplifted and strengthened to face those difficult moments, empowered with how to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: faith, mountains, prayer, grace, crises, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.