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Home » Watch! Israel Blesses the WORLD with Cutting Edge Technology

Watch! Israel Blesses the WORLD with Cutting Edge Technology

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LISTEN NOW! Many are the provoking thoughts and strategies that are currently being carried out against Israel. In our current generation we are seeing this literally played on an international level.  What many are not aware of is the technological advancements that are originating from the Israeli people.

When the city of Boston was shaken at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, after a bomb exploded, it was Israeli technology that was instrumental in identifying those involved with placing the bomb that will forever be marked in America’s history. As text messaging is a daily occurrence in our culture, some may not be aware of one of the original companies that started instant messaging (IMing): AOL. But, AOL wasn’t the first either. Where did they get the idea from, you guessed it, an Israeli product, “ICQ”, the world’s first instant messaging service.

The amazements continue on. When serial entrepreneur Jonathan Medved is contemplating investments in Israeli start-up companies, he doesn’t look at what University is on their resume; on the contrary, it is which Israeli Army Unit is on their resume. In fact it is the veterans of an Israeli intelligence unit, “8200” that is the breeding ground for many additional technological developments as well.


Hear more of the amazing developments that are taking place within Israel, how Israel is ranked #2 in startup companies in the world, next to Silicon Valley, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Instant Messaging, Google, AOL, Briefcam, Boston Marathon Bombing, start-up companies, entrepreuneur, Chutzpah, unit 8200, Israeli Defense Forces, and Israel. Greg and John shared in this segment.



CBN’s – “Made in Israel” Technology
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