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WATCH! Acts of Kindness Taking Place




Links of Kindness: Let Your Light Shine and Do Good for Others- Don’t be the Missing Link
 Picture this, as you are walking down a busy street, you witness a business man carrying his briefcase; he is hurrying along, his briefcase opens and his papers fall and scatter all across the ground. While others are passing by on their own timelines, you choose to stop, recognize the man and help him by picking up each of his papers. As you both finish picking up each paper, you hand him a business card. “You’ve just experienced a link of kindness. Pass it on. Don’t be the missing link.” Thinking nothing of it, you continue on your day. Six months later you receive a phone call from your spouse broken down on the side of the road with a flat tire only to find out that someone changed the flat tire and then handed the exact same card you gave to the businessman 6 months prior. Actions such as these are taking place. Imagine an explosion of links of kindness.
As people were standing at the checkout in a grocery store, they were overwhelmed and shocked when a man quickly provided the funds for each of their groceries stating, “God is good” and walked away. The images and responses of these very interactions will take your breath away. When two young men asked a few individuals for a piece of their pizza in front of a pizzeria, the responses weren’t exactly the desired results. But when the pizza was given to a homeless man, and then 20 minutes later asked to share, his words will challenge you. There are so many things going viral in our culture today. How encouraging would it be to have links of kindness going viral?
When Jesus was standing within sight of the offering plate witnessing what people were giving, He noticed the rich putting in large amounts of money. But, when a poor widow gave two copper coins, Jesus said this in Mark 12:43-44, “….Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.” It’s not about amounts. Jesus is not into percentages. Imagine desiring to be blessed simply to be a blessing to others. When we take the time to stop, acknowledge people, and simply seek to meet them in their needs, we will be greatly surprised as to what we learn and what unfolds.
The culture of today emphasizes beingblessed; but it should not stop there. It is a profound moment to witness to someone transitioning from being a taker and moving into the realm of being a giver. If we see and recognize the significance of that moment, how much more does our Father in Heaven recognize that reality? Will you take part in the links of kindness? Will you pass it on? Don’t be the missing link. Allow this conversation to greatly encourage you and expand your neighborhood, your city, your entire community by being the light of the world, and so much more. Also shared in this segment, links of kindness, grocery store cashier, homeless man pizza, briefcase, broken window, flat tire, business card, VFN Kingdom Business, Hobby Lobby, 2 copper coins, viral social media, the Giving Tree, and love. Greg and John shared in this segment.




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