Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses United Nations, S.C. 1,000 Year Flood, Oregon Campus Shooting
It was only days ago Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the world when he stood boldly and resolutely behind the platform at the United Nations in New York City. Amidst the rising tension of the world’s negotiations with a Nuclear Iran, increasing oppression in Syria and anti-Israel sentiments happening continually, Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke with resolve and determination as he represented the people and the state of Israel.
There have been statements and opinions about the nuclear negotiations regarding Iran. Netanyahu brought clarity to what the ultimate result will be by stating, “It doesn’t make peace more likely. It makes war more likely.” His unwavering commitment to defend Israel has remained un-phased in these times. Voices have argued in support of Iran to be treated like other countries. Currently, the way the negotiations have been structured by lifting certain requirements in 10 to 15 years; Netanyahu says in response, “That would place a militant Islamic Terror Regime weeks away from having the fisil material for an entire arsenal of nuclear bombs. That just doesn’t make any sense.” He continues, “If Iran wants to be treated like a normal country, let it act like a normal country.” In the face of these negotiations, it is vital to remember that it has been the country of Iran that has been shouting, “Death to Israel” and “Death to America”.
Amidst these prideful rants and demonstrations from Iran, the International community has remained unresponsive. Prime Minister Netanyahu response towards this reality was made crystal clear. “70 years after the murder of 6 million Jews, Iran’s rulers promised to destroy my country, murder my people, and the response from this body, the response from nearly every one of the governments represented here has been absolutely nothing; utter silence; deafening silence.” After 45 seconds of silence, the entire General Assembly remained silent. The silence was piercing. Netanyahu continues this historic message, “Perhaps you can now understand why Israel is not joining you in celebrating this deal.”Prime Minister Netanyahu’s message to the world that it will defend itself has remained unchanged. “The days when the Jewish people remain passive in the face of genocidal enemies, THOSE DAYS ARE OVER!”
As the response has been deafening silence to the Prime Minister’s remarks, there have been immediate events that occurred only moments afterwards. Moments later, a Palestinian flag was raised in New York City, at the United Nations. This is the very dividing of Israel’s borders on the very same day, that afternoon, Christians were gunned down in a classroom at Umpqua Community College in Oregon. Also, Hurricane Joaquin has brought massive devastation to the East Coast causing the Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, to respond by saying, “We haven’t seen this level of rain, in the low country, in a 1000 years. That’s how big this is.”
This is how we have responded after the Prime Minister of Israel gives a 70 year warning. We must stand with Israel and we must pray for Israel. Watch the full speech of what took place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, United Nations, Iran, terrorism, nuclear agreement, Hurricane Joaquin, Oregon shooting, repentance, and prayer. Greg shared in this segment.