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Home » WATCH! Prophetic words by Rick Joyner $700 trillion Global Debt; How to Position Yourself to Receive from God

WATCH! Prophetic words by Rick Joyner $700 trillion Global Debt; How to Position Yourself to Receive from God




Martial Law, 700 Trillion Dollars Debt World Wide, Hordes of Hell being Released You Can Position Yourself to Hear from God
The figures that are being released in regards to the debt of America are simply incomprehensible. As inconceivable as $16 trillion in debt is that pales in comparison to the most recent estimate. According to Rick Joyner, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated the debt was over $60 trillion and is now over $102 trillion. If the entire population of America was taxed at 100%, it still wouldn’t be enough. “The value of all the world’s goods put together, right down to everybody’s rings, shoes, and everything was estimated to be about $350 trillion, while the world’s debt is over $700”. We are simply in a financial world that is completely upside down.
Situations like this only bring about the end of one economic system and the beginning of another. It is vital to understand that “the mark” talked about in Revelation 13:16-17, is about an economic system. “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.”
In the midst of these dire realities, Joyner continues to share how he was shown that the incredible evil being released upon the Earth. “It was so bad it was freaking out the ISIS and al-Qaeda people.” Insightful wisdom has been given to Rick from the Lord. This is not simply a recent revelation. On the contrary, this has been a journey of decades that he has walked out and shared about the many encounters with the Lord through the many books he has authored. One can only imagine the contention, strife, and chaos that is about to be witnessed on the Earth. When Joyner was asked on the Jim Bakker Show about the possibilities of Martial Law, he responded by stating, “Yeah. That’s one thing I don’t have any doubt about. It’s not a matter of if but when.”
There is wisdom for the church in this hour as to how we must respond. In order for us, as The Church, to be delivered from the evil in the land, we must purge ourselves from the evil that is in our hearts. There is a positioning that must be done on our part in order to receive from God, to hear from God and know how to respond. These very realities and truths can be seen by looking at the life and decisions of King Jehoshaphat. In the face of our enemies, we can cry out to God, pray over the specific plans revealed to us by spending time with Him and watch how God overcomes the enemy. Amidst the events of the day, be encouraged as you hear what God is saying, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rick Joyner, Jim Bakker Show, Bird Flu, repentance, The Beast Economy, The New York Times, tithing, Prudent Preparation, Operation Jade Helm, ISIS, and humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.  
Power of Prophetic WORD happens when it is Released and Spoken

 When God speaks to us an encouraging word for someone else, the worst thing that we can do is say nothing about, especially to the person that God was speaking to us about. When Pastor John Kilpatrick was recently on The Jim Bakker Show, he expressed, “One of the reasons why the Devil fights prophesy so bad in this hour, is because when a person gives a prophetic word, it puts lift under their wings…All of a sudden, now, you’re stretching your wings and you’re gliding, you’re not struggling anymore.” This is the very importance of abiding and hearing the voice of The Lord, for our lives and for the lives of others. Be encouraged as you hear more insight and wisdom about prophesy, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Jim Bakker Show, Pastor John Kilpatrick, Prophesy, and abiding. Greg and John shared in this segment. 



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