Never before has there being such rapid advancements of technology as there are right now. There other advancements taking place not only in technology, but in many other industries as well. Where? In Israel. In a recent conference with Perry Stone, these advancements in Israel will have major impacts on the rest of the world. In a conversation with an undisclosed Jewish man, Stone recounts, “Israel will not need the United States in four years”. As Stone presses the man to expound on this weighty statement, the man proceeds to highlight 4 important topics: gas fields, military technology, farming, and medical breakthroughs. As he expounds on these medical breakthroughs, Stone continues, “Israel will eventually, over the years, find a cure for every disease on the planet.”
If the agricultural advancements were not enough to turn the attention of the world to Israel, the developments in medicine surely will. Israeli venture capitalist, Jonathan Medved, says it this way; “Israel has one of the highest life expectancies in the world. Actually our life expectancy here is about four years longer than the U.S…”