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Home » WATCH! 3 Prophetic Words for 2016 from Pastor John Kilpatrick, Chuck Pierce, and Perry Stone


Prophecy: Best of Times Coming to America and the Church  Part 2

 As it has been said many times that the best of times and the worst of times will be realized in the near future, it is important to understand both realities. Understanding only the “worst of times” can be defeating without the perspective of understanding what God is doing. By knowing what the plans and purposes of God are, you can be greatly encouraged if you are walking in agreement with God’s plans and purposes for your life. By looking at just a few of the recent prophetic words, you can understand more of what God is doing.
Perry Stone, with Perry Stone Ministries, has recently shared what God has made known to him through a prophetic word. “The Lord is doing his best to wake up America, One More Time, One More Time. He does this because He loves this country.” God does not forget the giving that has been carried out in the past. “I remember the good, but my people don’t, and I will give you an inheritance. I will give you another chance because of what you have planted in the past; what those before you have planted in the past.”
Chuck Pierce, with Glory of Zion International Ministries, along with other prophets shares prophetically a powerful perspective regarding the Lord’s battle strategy. With the understanding of military troops aligned in “columns”, God has his own plans of coming columns; “I’m raising up columns. I’m causing alignment to occur and I will be sending forth column after column after column until the enemy is pushed out of your sphere. I say do not agree from this day forth with the enemy’s voice in your sphere….” The Spirit of the Lord continued to share what He is doing,
“I say this is an hour that I’m raising up a Gideon Army says the Lord for many have been in fear, many have been in hiding, but I say that I am releasing a delivering anointing upon my Church. I say no longer shall you hide. No longer shall you be in fear. I say I am calling you a mighty army. I say I am calling you valiant ones and I say I am delivering you from the hidden place. No longer will your voice be silent but I say I’m bringing you out; and know that in this hour, says the Lord, I’m revealing strategy from heaven that will cause you to defeat the enemy…”
The encouragement continues forth and Pastor John Kilpatrick, with John Kilpatrick Ministries, shared multiple prophetic words for the year of 2016. Titled the “Year of the Wind” Pastor Kilpatrick captures what will be recognized by many with these words, “A phrase will be repeated over and over on the lips of people of many nations, you will hear it said, ‘I have never seen anything like this before’.” The impact of this coming move of God is larger than anything we can fathom, “There will be a great stir among the peoples of the nations. Seemingly nothing will remain normal by any stretch of the imagination. This will not just be an American phenomenon, but it will touch all continents.”
If these beginning words were not encouraging enough, Pastor Kilpatrick continues to share the marvelous work that the Lord is doing.
“The Lord shall rise up and make Himself known. The forgotten shall shout for great joy. The heathen will see a great light. Unbelievers will take another look. Experts will be stumped. Nations shall be shaken, but kingdoms will be jolted. Dead dry bones will receive a fresh prophetic wind. Some will struggle with a question, ‘Is this God or is this the Devil?’, but God will receive all the glory for His mysterious wonders. This will be a year of the winds of God and those winds are already blowing even as I speak this word.”
As Pastor Kilpatrick releases these powerful prophetic words, he continues to share 18 additional prophetic words; some may be an answer to a specific situation you are facing.

The devil may have plans that have been coming against you, but know that God’s plans are greater and more powerful. Joy and love are going to come again. Listen to these powerful prophetic words and allow them to wash over you, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Encouragement, Winds of the Holy Spirit, prophecy, anointing, interpretation of tongues, Rural Revival, Army of God, heavenly host, pigpen, prodigals, drenching rain, addictions, pregnancy, weddings, forgiveness, opportunities, The Internet, healings, podcasts, and joy. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Perry Stone, Prophetic Word Pockets of Revival All Over America

From more than one voice, it has been said that revival is coming to America. With the recent prophetic word from Perry Stone, this coming move of God is being revealed more and more. Some may say that God has written America off. This is not true. “The Lord is doing his best to wake up America, One More Time; One More Time. He does this because He loves this country.”
In the present time of America, some may have forgotten what has been done in the past through America. What is important to remember is that God doesn’t forget. When Perry Stone shared this prophetic word, it is revealed what exactly that means, “I remember the good, but my people don’t, and I will give you an inheritance. I will give you another chance because of what you have planted in the past; what those before you have planted in the past.” God has a purpose for what He is about to do throughout the land.
Perry Stone continues to share in more detail how this coming move of God will be experienced. “You’re going to see, as men speak of pockets of selective judgment, so likewise, there is pockets of selective revival. Areas where people will pray and pray, and worship and worship, until the Glory is seen…it will not be the type of meeting that will get attention from Coast to Coast, but in that region, and with those people, the town will know that there is a visitation from Heaven going on, and it will be known as the Rural Revival.”
For those currently living in large urban areas, Stone’s next words gives additional wisdom about the coming events. “People will begin to leave large cities says the Spirit of God, not in droves or in masses, but they’re going to begin to pull away, and not know why, and go into mountain areas, and into smaller cities because of the dangers, and the fears, and the mobs, and the robbing, and looting, and stealing, the people will be drawn to where the good people are, where they hear that people love each other and they care about one another.”

God has good plans in store for those who are His. Listen to the full prophetic word as you are greatly encouraged, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, Rural Revival, urban, love, and discipleship. Greg and John shared in this segment.


Chuck Pierce Glory of Zion International Ministries- God is Raising a Gideon’s Army

The voices of encouragement of the coming days are continuing to be heard and declared. This time it is Chuck Pierce, with Glory of Zion International Ministries, as well as other prophets who have shared about the powerful strategy that God is unfolding. “I’m raising up columns. I’m causing alignment to occur and I will be sending forth column after column after column until the enemy is pushed out of your sphere. I say do not agree from this day forth with the enemy’s voice in your sphere….” When hearing these words, think of advancing armies attacking their enemy with repeated waves of soldiers. This is what God is doing against the plans of the Devil.
In order for there to be waves sent forth, there must be an army that God is raising up. These next words will surely encourage you:
“I say this is an hour that I’m raising up a Gideon Army says the Lord for many have been in fear, many have been in hiding, but I say that I am releasing a delivering anointing upon my Church. I say no longer shall you hide. No longer shall you be in fear. I say I am calling you a mighty army. I say I am calling you valiant ones and I say I am delivering you from the hidden place. No longer will your voice be silent but I say I’m bringing you out; and know that in this hours, says the Lord, I’m revealing strategy from heaven that will cause you to defeat the enemy…”
As the Holy Spirit moves upon one, prophesying in tongues, Chuck Pierce then interprets what has been declared in the spirit. “The enemy has been bobbing his head up and the enemy has been popping up in unique times around you but I say I’m putting a sharpened sword, like a machete, in your hand. I’m giving you a new word and the next time the enemy reveals his headship to you, you will cut the enemy’s head off with that word.” The interpretation continues, “I say you have backed off from crying out and saying I will be victorious. You have shut your mouth when you just should have shouted that GOD IS WITH ME. I say to you, this is a time that when the enemy shows his head, I will have a people who enforce the resurrection power that I have left for them in the Earth.”

These are the very words that will give you great encouragement when you face opposition to share the truth of who Jesus is. Be greatly encouraged and empowered to walk boldly as you listen to the fullness of this prophetic word, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, spiritual warfare, Gideon’s Army, boldness, heavenly host, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.


Prophetic Word:  Pastor John Kilpatrick 2016 The Winds of God Are Blowing

You can be greatly encouraged when you hear a prophetic word that has come from the Lord. The prophetic word that has recently been shared by Pastor John Kilpatrick, from John Kilpatrick Ministries, is exactly that. You can have a profound year when you base it on the understanding of what God is going to do and align yourself with these very words.
As Pastor Kilpatrick shares, he begins with these powerful words,
“The Lord shall rise up and make Himself known. The forgotten shall shout for great joy. The heathen will see a great light. Unbelievers will take another look. Experts will be stumped. Nations shall be shaken, but kingdoms will be jolted. Dead dry bones will receive a fresh prophetic wind. Some will struggle with a question, ‘Is this God or is this the Devil?’, but God will receive all the glory for His mysterious wonders. This will be a year of the winds of God and those winds are already blowing even as I speak this word.”
The anointed words continue to go forth as Pastor Kilpatrick shares; “God said I’ve released my Spirit and the Spirit is going to rush to you. As a matter of fact He is rushing to you even now as you hear this. He’s filling your lungs again with life giving oxygen. Take a deep breath. Breathe Him in. Holy Spirit is resuscitating and reviving you even as this word is being released…”
So much of our present day-to-day routines are done through technology, on the internet. For those who have been crying out to God for souls will be greatly encouraged by these words; “There’s coming a great international harvest of souls through the net, The Internet, and online. He said that the Internet will light up as the Holy Spirit accelerates His mighty wonders. He also said that the net and the lines will bring tremendous and miraculous provision to the Body of Christ, to God’s people, because time is of the essence, and the waters are abundant for harvest…”
As Pastor Kilpatrick continues, he shares specific prophetic words and words of knowledge and it could be the answer to the situation you are facing today. Just a few of these words are : “Say Goodbye to the Pigpen”, “Heaven Wind”, “Deliverance From the Wounds” , “Impossible Pregnancy” , “Runaway Bride” , “The Downfall of Jezebel” , “Healing Hands” , and “No More Imposters” .

These are the very words that you can replay over and over throughout this very year and remind you of the plans and purposes that God has for you, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, retirement, sons and daughters, rain, locusts, marriage, and the internet. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

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