Azusa Now! Billy Graham’s Mantle About to Fall on America for a Great Harvest of Souls Part 3
On April 9th, Christians from all over the world gathered in California at the Los Angeles Coliseum for the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival that took place in 1906. What God is doing now is a pre-cursor to many of the prophetic words of a coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is such an exciting encounter to not only witness what God is doing, but also to be part of the generation when it is happening.
The last time such a monumental event occurred in the Los Angeles Coliseum was during the Billy Graham Crusades in 1963. During this particular crusade, from August 15th to September 8th, a total of 920,927 gathered during the course of events. If these events are not exciting, take into consideration the prophetic word Lou Engle shared during the Azusa Now event. “The proclamation of the Gospel, signs and wonders, and stadiums will be filled, and Billy Graham’s Mantle is coming on the nation.”
These truly are exciting days that we are living in. Watch the full event as you are greatly encouraged, challenged, and so much more. Also shared in this segment, Holy Spirit, Youth With A Mission, miracles, and prophecy. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Azusa Now! Powerful Repentance and Reconciliation between the Jew and the Gentile: One New Man. Part 4
The encouragement continues to come as more is unpacked from the 15-hour event of Azusa Now that occurred on April 9th commemorating the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival. Looking only at the surface of such a large gathering would cause one to miss the significance of this event. But, when we consider the diversity of the Body of Christ and the focus on repentance and reconciliation we can understand the Biblical significance of this monumental event.
A close friend of Lou Engle, Rabbi Jason Sobel, a Messianic Believer, which means a Jew who has received Jesus as The Messiah, had a significant dream. In this dream, the man received a phone call from four Ruths: Ruth Prince, Derrick Prince’s wife who loved Israel, Ruth Graham, Billy Graham’s wife, Ruth Heflin who is a friend of Israel, and Ruth from Ruth and Boaz as described in the Book of Ruth in the Bible. The Bible shares that anyone that is not a Jew, is considered a Gentile. When Jew and Gentile come together, it is a significant happening.
Engle shares the significance of this dream and what it means. “I knew the dream meant that there was coming a call when the Gentile Ruths would begin to unite together all across the globe and begin to declare ‘Your people will be my people’, we’re in that moment right now!” As the crowd is electrified with excitement, Rabbi Sobel continues to describe the significance of the moment. “I believe that we are in a John 21 moment where the Lord is about to tell us to cast the net and this is the greatest catch the world has ever seen. IT IS ABOUT TO COME NOW!”
As the book of Ruth describes, Ruth was a destitute Gentile Moabite woman. But, when she met Boaz all of that changed. Rabbi Sobel expresses, “When she entered into covenant relationship with Jewish man, Boaz, and when they came together in covenant relationship she didn’t just get the gleanings of the field she got the full inheritance.” The significance of the four Ruths in the prophetic dream that Rabbi Sobel received shines a powerful perspective on the genealogy of Jesus. Rabbi Sobel continues, “There are four women in the genealogy of Yeshua Jesus, they are all Gentiles. Why? Because, The Kingdom of God, The Messianic King and The Kingdom cannot be birthed unless Jew and Gentile birth it together. When we do, we see the Kingdom of God come on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
By hearing Rabbi Sobel’s next statement, we get an understanding of why what is happening regarding the continual onslaughts against the nation of Israel and the Jewish people around the world. “That’s why the Enemy has historically tried to divide Jew and Gentile, because he knows that when you unite in the Messiah, we become an unstoppable force for global change and transformation.” When we understand that there has been a division we can understand the importance of the repentance and forgiveness of the division. Rabbi Sobel expresses, “It’s time to heal the original schism in the Church. The first division was between Jew and Gentile. When we heal that schism, when we repair that division we will see the great catch of John 21”. When we understand the effects of this reconciliation, we can better understand the profound event of this occurrence. “There will be a worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit!”
As Rabbi Sobel declares these truths into his microphone, he commands these powerful words, “First in English, then with my Arab brother here, in Arabic, because friends, ISAAC AND ISHMAEL ARE COMING BACK TOGETHER! THE FAMILY IS BEING HEALED! WE ARE ONE IN MESSIAH!” As the scripture verse of Ruth 1:16 is projected onto the many screens on the stage, tens of thousands of believers cry out the words of Ruth 1:16 in unison, “DO NOT PLEAD WITH ME TO ABANDON YOU, TO TURN BACK FROM FOLLOWING YOU. FOR WHERE YOU GO, I WILL GO, AND WHERE YOU STAY, I WILL STAY. YOUR PEOPLE WILL BE MY PEOPLE, AND YOUR GOD WILL BE MY GOD.”
Don’t miss the significance on this powerful and monumental event that has just taken place. Watch and hear the whole encounter taking place and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Jew, Gentile, Racial Reconciliation, Repentance, Humility, and Forgiveness. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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