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Home » WATCH! “If America has a hand in dividing Jerualem God will divide America”, prophetic word from John Kilpatrick and New Madrid Fault; and a Needed Proposed College Commencement Speech?

WATCH! “If America has a hand in dividing Jerualem God will divide America”, prophetic word from John Kilpatrick and New Madrid Fault; and a Needed Proposed College Commencement Speech?



Watch and Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Through one of Israel’s 360 Degree Cameras

We are not shy in our support and prayerful voice for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. For the first time, we are now able to join our prayers with an up-to-date live feed of Jerusalem. To make this even better, this feed is a 360 degree visual perspective of the Jerusalem from the Jerusalem’s Inbal Hotel. It is with these inspiring visuals that we are reminded to pray for Israel as Psalms 122:6
says, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you be secure.”  See the breathtaking visuals yourself as you get an inside look at this new technology, and so much more. Also share in this segment: The Matterhorn, cruise ships, NASA, webcams, and Jordan. John shares in this segment.

If America is Involved in Splitting Jerusalem, America Can be Literally Split into, Prophetic Dream Pastor John Kilpatrick

For a long time, we have talked about how Israel is continually in and out of the media headlines. One day the topics regarding Israel will be few and far between. The next, Israel covers the headlines. When Israel is in the headlines, someone, somewhere is commenting on how to divide the land or effect the borders of Israel. We may not be aware of the consequences that come upon us for the actions that are done. But, as Pastor John Kilpatrick has shared, there is correlation between sin and the land. It matters how we treat Israel. America has played a significant part in the nuclear negotiations with Iran as well as discussions about the cities within Israel.


Pastor Kilpatrick revealed what the Lord showed him regarding the days ahead if we continue on the road that we are on. Kilpatrickfound himself suspended over a river near his hometown in Alabama. “Suddenly, the river was out of sight and you couldn’t see the bank of the river at all. And then the scene changed and I was taken to an old ancient school house…and my teeth were clapping so hard, I couldn’t clamp my teeth tight enough to keep them from clapping, cause the Earth was quaking.”  It was then that he was shown an old map with the cities Indianola and Europa on it. After looking up these cities, he found that there were multiple cities stretching throughout the middle of the United States. It was after a phone call with another minister that he understood what the Lord was revealing to him.


These cities stretched across over the New Madrid Fault Line. “You could superimpose those cities over the New Madrid Fault.” Kilpatrick continues to share what he told himself in the dream, “Whatever structures there were, they are no more.” He continues, “What I believe I saw, when that river when out of sight, is I believe the Great Lakes was busted loose and the waters started draining down and I believe the Gulf waters started draining up.”


It is vital that we connect the relevancy of this vision to what is now taking place in the world’s headlines regarding Israel. Kilpatrick warns, “What I felt in my spirit, and I can’t prove this, I just felt in my spirit, I felt like the Lord was saying to me, if they divide Jerusalem, if America has a hand….in dividing Jerusalem…I will divide America.” God shows us these things to warn so that we can pray, so that we speak out God’s will and His way over certain situations.


As Kilpatrick finishes his words, he ends by sharing, “I will say this. You can mark this down as a prophetic word; In the days to come, you’re going to see earthquakes that will startle you”. These words couldn’t be more true as the region around the New Madrid Fault has just experienced a 3.5 earthquake, large enough to be felt 267 miles away. In addition, Rick Joyner details a dream that he just received.


Last night I had a vivid dream of Seattle, WA. It was of the downtown on a brilliantly clear day. A large earthquake hit and two of the tallest buildings toppled over. In the dream I thought that I was watching a video until I looked down and saw people moving about. It was either very early in the morning or late in the evening, because I knew that the casualties would not be very high because so few people were in the buildings.

We must not sleep nor slumber regarding the peace of Israel. See the full report of what is happening regarding recent decisions towards Israel, the full statements from Pastor Kilpatrick, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: United Nations, Gaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Heights, PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Russia, prayer and repentance. John and Steve shared in this segment.

Nations gathered Together as they join the National Day of Prayer in America


 This upcoming Thursday, May 5th, marks the National Day of Prayer. Not only in America, but also in other parts of the world, especially in Australia, people are gathering in humility for America to turn back to God. Pastor Tony Evans expresses the dire need for the Church to pray in this hour,”If there was ever a day when God’s people needed to grab a hold of God and to invite His manifest presence back into our midst, today is that day.” We must recognize that our only hope and strength can and must come from God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 shares, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Join with the Church around the world and believe God for His will to come to happen within America. Also shared in this segment: humility, repentance, and prayer. John and Steve shared in this segment.
Time to Relook at the HIGH Cost of a College Degree: Goldman Sachs Suggest that it May not be worth it


In our present culture, some may have realized that college is not exactly what it used to be; nor is college what they expected it to be. Now, more than ever, students are graduating from college but are coming face to face with an economy with less-than-promising opportunities. At the same time, commencement speech after speech is given calling students to go out and change the world! But, as George Will puts it, maybe we need a graduation speech that has never been given before. What would it sound like? Maybe something like this, “You who are about to receive your diploma should also receive an apology from this university and a large portion of the tuition you have paid. You have been cheated, bilked, propagandized, and badly educated.”  Will connects the dots of the sequence of events that have occurred within colleges from the government wanting more students to graduate. With a comparison to the housing market, creating a false economy is bound to crash sooner or later. According to Will, the government has offered easier financing for students to receive loans, and in return, universities have increased their tuition costs. He shares, “The cost of college has been rising four times faster than the rate of inflation.”More and more students are graduating from college; but with degrees in majors such as ‘gender studies’ and ‘cinema deconstruction’ students will have a hard time finding employment upon graduation.


What highlights the gross injustice that is occurring to our graduates is the “enforced conformity” that is happening on our campuses. Will continues his proposed speech, “If this is a typical campus, it has a free speech zone; a small isolated, inconvenient space where students are allowed to exercise their first amendment rights. But, guess what? Will cautions, “You are going to recognize that the Constitution makes the rest of America, all of it, a free speech zone.” We have to reconsider our thinking about what education truly is. Presently, firms such as Goldman Sachs are   expressing that college may not be worth it. See the full speech, more wisdom about education, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: debt, mortgages, healthcare, repayment schedules, technical trade, and knowledge. John and Steve shared in this segment.

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