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Honoring God and Impacting Society Through Business


LISTEN NOW! In each of our lives, God entrusts us with resources and we are called to faithfully steward what we are given. One particular couple had started a steakhouse in Texas. But, this particular steakhouse is unlike any other you may consider. 

The Taste of Texas, in Houston, Texas, is known for its packed walls of Texas history and bustling tables. When you take a closer look, there is something that stands out. Before opening the front doors, guests are greeted with a bold engraving of scripture and Christian music as they enter the building.  This isn’t just a business, as owners Edd and Nina Hendee share, “This is our ministry”. Today, “it is the largest, independently owned, restaurant in the state, and the top 30 in the country.”

Their story didn’t exactly start this way. After their ambitious goals to grow what they had started, they were faced with a mounting debt that reached $250,000. But, God encouraged them to continue. They pursued, amidst the trials, and remain to this day. But, their trials didn’t stop. One day, their son was killed in a tragic skiing accident. Most recently, a plane they were riding in crashed to the ground because the wrong fuel had been put into the tank causing both engines to suddenly stop. He shares, “we lived to walk away, open the door of the plane and walk out; and that is absolutely a miracle of God.”

This is such an encouraging story of how we can honor the Lord with our business and the talents that God gives us, even amidst the trials and hardships along the way. See the full story as the Hindees share what the Lord has done, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: VFN Kingdom Business, Hobby Lobby, The Bible Museum, faithfulness, and entrustments. John and Steve shared in this segment.


Shutterstock.com/Dean Drobot

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