LISTEN NOW! Before President Trump was elected as President, many had received prophetic words about Donald Trump, notably Lance Wallnau, who declared that Donald Trump would be used as a “wrecking ball”. As Patricia King prophetically points out, President Trump will also have significant impact on relationships with Israel.
What some may not be aware of, is the judgment that was very close to coming to America because of the previous Administration’s actions toward Israel. But this will not be the case with the Trump Administration. “What I felt the Lord say is that Trump will restore America’s relationship with Israel this year. There is going to be a restoration work take place there.” We must continue to pray now just as much as prayer was needed leading up to the Presidential elections.
As Donald Trump, has now become President Trump, there are ‘high level demonic spirits’ that are seeking to attack him. As King shares, “Trump is gonna need a lot of prayer this year. He is in a battle on a very, very high level. There are high level demonic spirits that are there, ready to attack and assault…when the enemy sees the anointing of God, he will come against.” Now that the President has taken office, we cannot become lax in our prayers and intercession for the leadership of our nation. “America will have great breakthroughs and will help other nations and counter breakthroughs.”
What is additionally encouraging is the union that has been seen in the spirit as was shared to Patricia King by Johnny Enlow. “I believe that Trump will be the most important President since Abraham Lincoln and that our nation will, in the future, will have a ‘before Trump’ and ‘after Trump’ historical perspective.” Enlow continues to share that “I believe that the United States great angel named Union has been ordered to step in as he has not been asked to step in since Lincoln’s day…” Enlow also shares an acronym for how President Trump will be used; “Transformation, Reformation, Union, Momentum, and Prosperity.” President Trump has already had very active beginning days as he has begun the Presidency. As was revealed to Greg Lancaster, the people are going to get the White House back.
Hear the full word in context as you hear the full word from Patricia King, the full word from Johnny Enlow, a prophetic dream about President Trump bringing safety from “the cliff” and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: Israel, brakes, “DITCH AMERICA! Winston Churchill, and the military. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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