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Home » Liberty University Students Celebrate Life at the March For Life in Washington D.C.

Liberty University Students Celebrate Life at the March For Life in Washington D.C.


LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! For more than 40 years, thousands upon thousands of people have gathered together in Washington DC in order to demonstrate their support of life in the March for Life. As all walks of life and generations were present during this encouraging event, students from Liberty University expressed excitement to see so many lining the streets of Washington D.C in order to show their support for life.

Commenting on President Trump’s beginning days in Office, one woman describes, “We’ve already seen some incredible pro-life action, not just here in the United States, but having implications that impact elsewhere internationally.” One Liberty University student shares this inspiring reality about overcoming the realities of abortion. “Try to approach this issue the same way William Wilberforce had approached slavery, how Martin Luther King had approached racial tensions even 100 years after slavery had been technically extinguished…” Another student boldly encourages all of those fighting for life by expressing these words, “Don’t be discouraged; because, today, especially our hopes are up, we’re excited, we’re encouraged, we’re standing hand in hand marching together…”

This is such a powerful reality and moment to recognize. Not only are the streets of Washington packed, shoulder-to-shoulder, for miles, but the next generation is embracing the urgency to see abortion ended in their generation. Hear the excitement in their voices as you see the interviews for yourself, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: demonstrators, Pro-Life, celebration, adoption, and hope. Greg shared in this segment. 
screen capture from liberty.edu

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