LISTEN NOW! It is important that we pay attention to the many miraculous events that are taking place now. We are presently seeing mountains move. God can turn things on a dime, just as He has. God literally showed Greg Lancaster how President Trump had bought him a large journal and handed it to Greg telling him to journal all that would be happening. It’s not about President Trump, it’s about God! It has been said that President Trump would have a quiet voice for the Lord when he began the Presidency but bold by the end of his time in office. The Lord showed Rich Vera in the spirit what was coming upon President Trump.
The Lord showed Vera President Trump walking through the Oval Office “wearing a red shirt with a priest garment, like a catholic priest garment”. The vision shifted and Vera saw President Trump on a plane that suddenly began experiencing turbulence. When Vera went to make sure the President was safe, President Trump was praying. As Vera points out, “The glow of the Holy Spirit was upon him”. Then the Lord spoke to Vera, “I’m going to give him, not only the authority to change government, but I will give him an anointing that he will pray and things will change and God told me that the Spirit of prayer was going to come over President Trump.”
Vera began to address President Trump specifically by prophesying, “I declare over you, Mr. President, that God is going to use you to change the landscape of politics…God is going to use you to raise up a new breed of politicians and even leaders in the Church that will stand for the people and not for themselves.”
It is amazing to see the very events that are taking place. It is important that we recognize them and chronicle how God has answered and is answering the prayers that have been lifted up to Him. Be encouraged as you hear the full prophetic word, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: mountains, miracles, journals, Supreme Court Judge, and authority. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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