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Home » WATCH! Prophetic Words from Rich Vera, Perry Stone, and Cindy Jacobs

PROPHECY! Bottom Line 2017 COMPLETE VICTORY, Cindy Jacobs
We need a new language from the Lord to understand how to walk in this new season. The many prophetic words shared from Cindy Jacobs, Rich Vera, and Perry Stone are a prophetic delivery of what that language sounds like: HOPE! When Sid Roth asked Cindy Jacobs what she had heard from the Lord regarding this new year, she declared a powerful delivery of truth.
“Bottom line: the number 17 means ‘complete victory’”. Jacobs continues to explain the meaning of 2017, “overcoming to complete victory”. This is the very season and time that so many people have been asking and praying for. “There are some people who have waited, and waited, and waited for their breakthrough; and this is the breakthrough year.” She continues to encourage all of us to “stand on this word” regardless of what we may see or experience in our midst, and God will bring about His promises.
This is such a powerful year, as the Hebrew Calendar also points out, is 5777. As Jacobs explains, “This is the year of the crown sword, meaning great authority is coming. The Sword of the Lord is going to cut off deception. It’s going to cut off evil intent of our enemies.” What is an additionally amazing historic moment is how Jacobs connects the Hebrew calendar year and the specific age of President Trump the first day he took office. As she responds to the questions from Sid Roth, she highlights how this year is about so much more. “I know that God is getting ready to pour out the greatest awakening that America has ever known. I’m telling you, we’re in it. We’re in it…”
Now is the time, more than ever, to rise up and respond to what God is doing. God has called us to a season of mercy. This is that season. Be revitalized in your faith as you hear the full comments from Cindy Jacobs, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: inauguration, reformation, worship, George Barna, and Tommy Tenney. Greg shared in this segment.
PROPHECY! What God Showed him about the Presidential Election, Perry Stone
As President Trump has now taken the office of the 45thPresident, some may not be aware that Perry Stone spoke about these very days long before they happened. Many were shocked and surprised at the outcome of the recent Presidential elections. As Stone revealed, it is exactly what was stated would happen.
As the next President would be the 45thPresident, Stone points out how he began to study the number 45. What Stone found was quite the surprise. “If you take the 40 and the 5 in the Hebrew alphabet, its ‘mah’”. Which is Hebrew for the word, “what?”. He further explains, “Whoever gets in, people are going to say….’WHAT!!? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? WHAT IS GOING ON?!!”
Every secular news outlet imaginable was reporting the opposite of what God was going to do. There have been prophetic voices that have heard similar words. And, as God has revealed, the tragedy was on America’s doorstep, but God has given us mercy instead. Be encouraged as you hear the full prophetic word, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Biblical numbers, interpretation, and hints. Greg shared in this segment.

PROPHECY!  What God is showing him about President Trump, Perry Stone
The prophetic dialogue about President Trump continues as Sid Roth specifically asks Perry Stone about what God is showing him about President Trump. Stone points out as how President Trump “surrounds himself with more believers. Not ‘professed’ believers; not people who say they are, but, in their heart, are actual believers”. As Stone continues to emphasize, President Trump listens to their counsel.  What brought most attention to Perry Stone during the day of the inauguration, is how “the name of Jesus got more attention, that day, than any inauguration I can ever remember.” What is additionally encouraging, as Stone explains, is how the individuals who prayed were specifically told, “pray what the Holy Spirit tells you to.”
It was these very beginningsand closingprayersthat have been sharedduring the end of some of the VFNtv programs. It is so encouraging to see how President Trump is surrounding himself with ministers, and how the name of Jesus Christ is being lifted up. Be encouraged as you hear the full prophetic word from Perry Stone, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: global prayers, counsel, and wisdom. Greg and John shared in this segment.

PROPHECY! Prophetic Word for 2017, Perry Stone
There are powerful prophetic words that are being declared over this year and season. Nothing could be more truthful than the dialogue that took place between Sid Roth and Perry Stone. As Perry Stone continues to share prophetically about what the Lord has revealed to him, Sid Roth asks about what Stone has been shown for this year.
When one hears others talk about blessings, the blessings might only be thought of in the sense of how they are received. As Stone points out, there is much more that is needed to be understood. “Blessings come through the confession. With the heart, you believe, with the mouth you confess.” He highlights how the Hebrew symbol for the number 17 is the mouth and how the Church must apply this. “Believers must learn, in order to obtain victory, to know how to confess the word with their mouth. We can no longer just pray and sit back, and wait for God to do it. We have to claim, with our mouth, the promise.” The words that we say and proclaim are very powerful. Now, with this in mind, the words that we choose NOT to say are equally powerful.
Stone highlights how we must also be mindful not to declare certain words. “This is the year…to learn to shut-up”. He further explains; “This is the year not to talk about each other; not to talk about other believers; not to criticize other people…” As Stone continues to address the urgency and importance of this word, he points how the Church must stop focusing on what it has in the past. “I get so tired, everybody getting their information from the media. Since when are we, as believers, called to pay attention to what media people, who don’t even believe in God, are telling us? We should be hearing from the Holy Spirit.” Stone continues to emphasize, “This is the year to claim the blessing, by taking the word, and confessing it as never before, releasing the power of God…” He also points out how we are not supposed to use social media as a platform to simply voice our opinions.
When we post anything to social media, we need to post with a fear and trembling of the Lord. We are not supposed to judge others. When we say things on these platforms, it is a permanent record. Be encouraged as you hear the entire prophetic word from Perry Stone and so much more. Also shared in this segment: criticism, judging, Jewish advisors, media, and consequences. Greg and John shared in this segment.

PROPHECY! Satan’s Manifesto Against America, Perry Stone
We are coming out of one season and entering into an entirely new season. It is important to recognize this shift as the previous mindsets of the past season cannot be carried into this new season. It’s going to take an entirely new language to understand how to walk in agreement with what God is doing. There have been so many uprisings and divisions happening in the natural. Instead of trying to respond in the natural, we must recognize these realities can only be first addressed in the spirit. When Perry Stone recently shared with Sid Roth, he revealed that satan has a manifesto against America.
As Stone points out, “The job of the enemy is to try and effect the Body of Christ.” When we understand the many ministries and blessings that are sent all across the world from the Church in the United States, we can better understand why satan is focused on disrupting what the Lord is doing through the Body of Christ in America. The Body of Christ is not simply how some perceive it to be, but who God says it is. As Stone further describes, “The Body of Christ is large, it’s not a particular denomination. Its people whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” Stone begins to detail how the enemy is strategizing against the Church in this hour. “The enemy is doing his best to cause a racial division again in the United States.”Who we are, as the Church, transcends how people are perceived to be in the eyes of the world. Stone points out how it is imperative that we must recognize the Kingdom values first, and everything else second. “We have got to stop this mess, where we make everything political in the Body of Christ…blood should be thicker than politics.”
Stone continues to highlight how these strategies of the enemy will be unraveled when the pastors get behind their pulpit and boldly preach the Gospel of truth. Regardless of what politics may be happening in the nation, Stone emphasizes this important reality that must be upheld in the Body of Christ: “I’m a Christian first. I’m an American next.”
Over the past eight years, everything that could be divided, has been divided. We need to be united as one, in the Church. The unity within the Church should be our greatest witness. As T.D. Jakes has shared, because the Church has remained silent, the world has attempted to take up the conversation in the streets. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. also pointed out that the most segregated hour is Sunday morning. We must begin to walk out unity in Christ, as Christ calls it to be. Unity is not our idea, but the Lord’s idea. In this hour, our greatest witness is our unity. Be encouraged as you hear the entire prophetic word, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Civil Christianity, throne room, nations, tribes, tongues, peoples, languages, racism, ethnic division, and missionaries. Greg and John shared in this segment.

PROPHECY! The Strategy of Balaam against the Church, Natural Disasters and Jubilee, Perry Stone
God has revealed many previous words but we have also witnessed how the Lord has turned and shifted everything into the season that we are now in. It is important to understand the context of what has been revealed. When Perry Stone recently spoke with Sid Roth, he talked about a specific strategy that the enemy is carrying out against the Church in America.  
Stone points how he was shown the Strategy of Balaam taking place in America today. As he looked closer in the Bible, he realized, “this man did something to try to cause God to turn against His own people. That’s the Balaam Strategy.” As he describes, this is the best way to describe how the enemy is strategizing against the Church in America right now. In this hour, it is vital that the Church not compromise the clear teachings revealed in the Bible. As Stone continues to point out, we cannot compromise these truths. Stone continues to describe what he has seen for this upcoming year; “There is going to be two parallel tracks. “There will be some very great national natural disasters in the next few years…at the same time…the real Jubilee year was not last year. The real Jubilee year is this year.”
Be encouraged as you hear the entire prophetic word from Perry Stone, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Gifts of the Spirit, goiters, and healings. Greg and John shared in this segment.

PROPEHCY! Cure for Alzheimer’s and Cancer, Rich Vera
Rich Vera has described and released many prophetic words from the Lord that have come to pass. One of his recent words will surely encourage you as you hear Sid Roth point out how they are already beginning to come to pass. “He said ‘he saw that we were on the brink for a cure for Alzheimer’s; we were on the brink of a cure for cancer.’ But, guess what we’ve been seeing in the headlines? Exactly what you’ve prophesied!”
When God reveals to us words prophetically, it is so important for us to step out in boldness and declare what the Lord has shared with us, even when it openly contradicts whatever may be in the natural. People may criticize you, or deny the very words that you are sharing, but you must remain strong. Our God is 100% totally in control of everything. Be encouraged as you hear the entire prophetic word and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.

PROPHECY!  The Prophetic is not about releasing Words but about releasing the Spirit, Rich Vera
As we enter this new season that God has brought about, it is important that we learn the new language that God is revealing to us. When Rich Vera recently spoke with Sid Roth, he shared a powerful revelation about speaking in the prophetic.
“The prophetic is not about releasing words. It’s about releasing spirits. When people are in the same spirit, the prophetic spirit, there is a spirit that is being released upon the people.” Vera continues to speak directly to every individual that has ears to hear by declaring, “I see an incredible uprising of nations that is going to take place, starting this season…There is going to be a Holy Ghost bomb that is going to be dropped on Egypt….”
As Vera continues to prophetically declare, “This is the season that God is going to sort out the true vessels that He has called and anointed against the ones that are self-appointed.” God knows those who are His and those who have attempted to establish themselves.
This lines up exactly with the prophetic word that the Lord released through Greg Lancaster; “The seat of the righteous will rise and the seat of evil will come down.” When this word was first delivered, the reality looked totally different than what it declared to be. Now, we are seeing it take place all over the world. Be encouraged as you hear the entire prophetic word, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: el-Sisi, Muslim Brotherhood, revival, and Venezuela. Greg and John shared in this segment.

PROPHECY!  Law of Attraction- Love Attraction – Reaping of Seeds Sown, Rich Vera
When we speak these powerful words from the Lord out in the atmosphere, it causes powerful effects. As Rich Vera describes it, it’s God’s Law of Attraction. This term wasn’t Vera’s idea, but revealed to him through the Holy Spirit. As he shares, it was Christmas morning when he was woken up by the voice of the Lord declaring these words, “I’m releasing the law of attraction over my people.” As he continues to consider what God has just spoken to him, he was shown more. Vera continues, “We are living in a season where all the seeds that have been sown, I’m not just talking about money; prayer, faithfulness, people that stuck to the Church faithfully, all the seeds that we have sown in love, and kindness, this is the season that God is going to literally activate it, it’s going to come back to us, the seeds that we sowed.”
This is the year of the Wealth Transfer, as Pastor John Kilpatrick has revealed. It’s important to confess what God’s Word says is true and accurate, regardless of what we may be seeing or feeling in the natural. God is waiting to release His goodness to us when we get in agreement with what He is doing. Bill Johnson points out, in his book God is Good, how our words activate the spiritual. “The decree itself is important because some things don’t manifest until they are spoken. If we realized how what we say attracts spiritual reinforcements, angelic or demonic, we’d be much more careful to watch what we say.” We are known by the confessions that we have. It’s time to get in agreement with God. God is shifting the world as it will take all of us to bring in a billion soul harvest. This is the Year of Breakthrough. Be encouraged as you hear the entire prophetic word, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: activation, sin, sickness, finances, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


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