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Home » PROPHECY! Revival, Revolution & Reformer; Mantles going out, Apostolic Revival Centers

PROPHECY! Revival, Revolution & Reformer; Mantles going out, Apostolic Revival Centers


LISTEN NOW! God has many plans and purposes for what is taking place in this season. As Patricia King, has shared prophetically, there are mantles that God is releasing in these moments. “Get ready to receive revival anointings, revolutionary anointings, and reformer anointings…” This season is nothing like the previous season. “Especially after February 14thof this year there is going to be many individuals, all of a sudden they are going to feel like they came out of a dark cave.”
Kingpoints out how God is moving on the Apostolic Centers in the Earth as well as creating new ones. ‘There are going to be these centers that will host local churches, healing rooms, prayer rooms, prayer houses, like a combination of things that birth revival, and there are going to be these Apostolic Revival Centers. I see them throughout the nations of the world.’
There have been so many injustices that have taken place in America and many have recognized them for what they are and been revolted by them, in their spirit. As King shares, this ‘revolting’ has a special purpose. “If you are revolted in your heart, you have the invitation to be a revolutionary…and that is going to result in reformation, or reforming…Many of you are going to be invited by the Lord to be His holy revolutionaries and reformers.”King shares from a prophetic word that was released by Cindy Jacobs about the powerful convergence of the former moves of God that will birth in a mighty move of the Lord. Be encouraged as you hear the entire word from Patricia King, the specific words from Cindy Jacobs, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: renewal movement, reformation, missionaries, and global evangelism. Greg and John shared in this segment. 



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