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Home » Prophecy: The Seat of Evil will come Down, the The Seat of the Righteous will Rise; Elijah vs Jezebel and her Prophets

Prophecy: The Seat of Evil will come Down, the The Seat of the Righteous will Rise; Elijah vs Jezebel and her Prophets


LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) Some may not be aware of how our schools are effecting our children, but it is being taken to a new level at the recent addition of Satan Club to specific schools. This isn’t simply being talked about, these Clubs are already being added in School Districts. It is also being reported that at the end of the Obama Administration, the ‘After School Satan Club’ was granted ‘tax-exempt’ status from the IRS after only ten days. Reportedly, these Clubs are only applying applications to those specific schools that have Good News Clubs. It seems as if this is a comparable battle likened to Elijah and Jezebel.
Jordan Lorence, with Alliance Defefending Freedom points out 6 things to know about these Satan Clubs. In an interview with CBN News, he describes, “The group does not believe in satan, it’s an atheist group that does not believe in supernatural anything. What they’re trying to do is eliminate the Christian ‘Good News Clubs’ from the public schools by scaring parents, scaring school officials, by talking about satan and getting them to close the schools to every after school club.” He further elaborates on these satan clubs that they are not about ‘drinking goat’s blood…’, but, “teach kids that science answers all questions that there is no God.” Essentially, as Lorence describes, their ultimate motive is to remove all groups and freedom of speech from these schools. As we look at these events, we have to recognize that we are being brought to a place of decision. Who is your God? Who are you serving?
The same sequence of events transpired between Elijah and Jezebel. Before Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, the people were under the evil leadership of Ahab and Jezebel. Through their leadership, the people of God were misled. But, God was about to change all of this. God brought everyone to a high place where they had to choose. Do you worship Baal, or do you worship God? Jezebel had prophets but they were all full of lies. Presently, we are seeing the systems of Jezebel crashing down. If someone doesn’t understand this confrontation, they are being consumed in the increasing strategies of Jezebel, not realizing that Jezebel is being brought down, along with every one of her false prophets.
Ahab and Jezebel were the heads of an evil leadership; it was corrupt government. The first thing that had to be done was to drain the swamp. The evil judges that were in place had to be removed. You’re looking at Jezebel realizing that this thing is about to end. God used Elijah to confront the leadership of Jezebel’s false prophets, and He also anointing Jehu to take down Jezebel. When Jehu was moments away from destroying Jezebel, she was putting on her makeup, trying to make one last seductive strategy to advance her leadership. Today’s culture is so seductive.

Understand this, we have got to stay with God while so much is being cranked up. We must believe the words that God is revealing through the spirit of Elijah. When you stand up for truth, you’re not going to have many people in your corner. Don’t surprised when things increase and get rough, simply hold on to the Word of the Lord in faith and respond to what God is telling YOU to do in these critical times. Be encouraged and lifted up as you see how the events within today’s leadership are comparable to the tearing down of the corrupted government during the time of King Ahab and Jezebel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Mount Carmel, satanic clubs, spiritual warfare, seduction, hypocrits, Obama Administration, baal worship, asherah, seat of evil, seat of righteous, sacrifice, law enforcement, military, deliverance, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment. 
Courtesy of bikeriderlondon/shutterstock.com


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