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Home » News Anchors Fall out of Their Seats! Anchors Away Prophecy with Christian Television Managers from across the United States and around the World!

News Anchors Fall out of Their Seats! Anchors Away Prophecy with Christian Television Managers from across the United States and around the World!

LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! Starts at Time Code 45:35)  We are witnessing many encouraging things happening as the hand of God is moving in our midst. Of all the places that the CTN Managers could have gathered, they came together in the Gulf Coast at the very same studio where VFNtv is broadcast. It was during this divine encounter that the VFNtv crew welcomed and served each of the CTN Managers as they were gathered together for a luncheon. WHBR’s station manager, David Mayo, asked Greg Lancaster to prophesy over the CTN Managers.
Greg Lancaster shared the powerful prophetic word that was shared with him during a time of seeking the Lord. As Greg spoke to a room full of leaders in the Media Mountain, he shares a prophetic word from the Lord that “news anchors will be shaken as they report perilous upcoming world events – some will be shaken overboard.”God was revealing that news anchors would begin to fall, and be replaced by the Lord’s anchors. “These anchormen and anchorwomen will come forth from deep waters of the unknown. They will not only report the perilous news but will have the treasures and riches of Christ inside of them…” At the time, that seemed unthinkable to imagine news anchors falling. But, as time has progressed, this is exactly what has taken place. George Stephanopoulos fell, Brian Williams left the NBC Nightly News. The very same day that this prophetic word was delivered to the CTN Managers, Roger Ailes, the founder of FOX News, literally fell at his home and died. Bill O’Reilly, Greta Van Sustern, Elizabeth Hasselback, Gretchen Carson, and Megyn Kelly were other prominent anchors that have been removed or chose to leave their positions.
Greg Lancaster also shared a prophetic word from Bill Yount as he declared the Word of the Lord. “I Will Begin to Redeem the Media and Airwaves In 2017” He continues to share more about this powerful word as was spoken to him from Bill Yount. “The time has come to redeem the airwaves covering the Earth and begin to impact the media to become a conduit to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh!” When Bill Yount received this powerful prophetic word from the Lord, he was given an exciting vision.
“I then saw angels begin to anoint satellite stations and dishes above the Earth. And on the Earth angels were descending upon huge television and radio towers. Great heavenly broadcasting interference was about to come upon the Earth.” This is going to be an exciting time for those in ministry. “Divine favor was being given to many ministries with the media this coming year of 2017 to go nationwide and worldwide.” Considering how God was going to touch and use these ministries throughout media, those who are presently sharing the world’s perspective of media are going to take notice. “News reporters were beginning to lean towards unusual stories of awesome happenings, that were leaving their listeners spellbound with the idea – “There must be a God in Heaven!””
As we can see at the time of this prophetic word being delivered, there would be a coming shift in the media that was being broadcasted throughout the world. It is so encouraging to know all that the Lord is doing and shifting the world so that the Gospel can be shared to all the nations. See the full story of the prophetic words that were shared, the CTN Managers, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: prophecy, Holy Spirit, CTN, Christian Television Network, North Korea, oppression, VFNKingdom Business, 7 Mountains of Culture, Media Mountain, and CTNI. Greg and John shared in this segment. 



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