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Home » PROPHECY! Jezebel Coming Down to her Knees; Donald “Jehu” Trump?

PROPHECY! Jezebel Coming Down to her Knees; Donald “Jehu” Trump?


LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) In the Book of Revelation, God writes a letter to the Church in Thyatira. He writes specifically against the reality of Jezebel in their Church. ”Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.” This is a spiritual reality. It is not about the physical realm as one may assume. This is about a Jezebel Spirit, not a male or female person, but a spirit. God spoke through the prophet Kim Clement in 2005, that He was going to bring Jezebel down.

As Clement prophesied in Nashville, he shared these uplifting words. “People of Zion shall say, ‘no you will not come and rape us as you have in the past. Babylon, you will not exist in our schools and in our Legal System. The Babylonian Spirit shall be brought to nothing; and Jezebel herself shall be brought down on her knees says the Spirit of the living God.” Clement continues this powerful word by the period of grace that is coming upon the Church. “And now God says, allow Me to give you a four-year period of an extension of grace…”
We have seen the media up in arms about the transition to the current administration. Lie after lie has been promulgated against the realities of what is taking place. A similar sequence of events took place on the top of Mount Carmel when the false prophets of the false god, baal, stood up against Elijah. Regardless of what they said or did, it was only a matter of time before Elijah’s God was seen and recognized as the One and only True God.
It is so encouraging to know that what is taking place in the nation is not because of any single plan from an individual, but solely by the Hand of God. See the full discussion as you are encouraged by God’s prophetic words of hope, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Kim Clement, media, Jezebel, baal, false prophets, and newscasters. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

Courtesy of Gaman Mihai-Radu/Shutterstock.com


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