LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) What is often surprising to realize about media, is that some people believe things simply because it was said on the news. Guess what? God has revealed prophetically that there is going to be a drastic change as was prophesied by Bill Yount. Yount has also prophetically declared that the present News Anchors would be replaced by God’s News Anchors. The same day that Greg shared this word to a group of National CTN Leaders, Roger Ailes, founder of Fox News, died.
Kim Clement also shared a powerful prophetic word about what the Lord was doing regarding media. “The news media shall change drastically. TBN shall change drastically. There will be a change of face, and a new name added to Trinity Broadcasting Network. They will not hold onto the old…but they will have the old and the new and shall combine them together.” Clement continues to prophesy how God will reach the youth. “For God says, ‘I’m going to raise up one that will take the youth by force, but it shall not be called Trinity Broadcasting Network, it shall be called something else, and then another one shall rise up, says the Spirit of the Lord.”
This is what the Lord is doing and very exciting. See the full prophetic word from Kim Clement, as well as other words about what God has and is doing in media, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Saul Alinsky, mainstream media, prophetic word, prophecy, Holy Spirit, Roger Ailes, Fox News, TBN, and Trinity Broadcasting Network. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of antb/Shutterstock.com
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