We are witnessing many encouraging things happening as the hand of God is moving in our midst. Of all the places that the CTN Managers could have gathered, they came together in the Gulf Coast at the very same studio where VFNtv is broadcast. It was during this divine encounter that the VFNtv crew welcomed and served each of the CTN Managers as they were gathered together for a luncheon. WHBR’s station manager, David Mayo, asked Greg Lancaster to prophesy over the CTN Managers.
Greg Lancaster shared the powerful prophetic word that was shared with him during a time of seeking the Lord. As Greg spoke to a room full of leaders in the Media Mountain, he shares a prophetic word from the Lord that “news anchors will be shaken as they report perilous upcoming world events – some will be shaken overboard.”God was revealing that news anchors would begin to fall, and be replaced by the Lord’s anchors. “These anchormen and anchorwomen will come forth from deep waters of the unknown. They will not only report the perilous news but will have the treasures and riches of Christ inside of them…” At the time, that seemed unthinkable to imagine news anchors falling. But, as time has progressed, this is exactly what has taken place. George Stephanopoulos fell, Brian Williams left the NBC Nightly News. The very same day that this prophetic word was delivered to the CTN Managers, Roger Ailes, the founder of FOX News, literally fell at his home and died. Bill O’Reilly, Greta Van Sustern, Elizabeth Hasselback, Gretchen Carson, and Megyn Kelly were other prominent anchors that have been removed or chose to leave their positions. Continue Reading…