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Home » WATCH! God is Bringing Judgment of NFL and that Which has Held You Back, Chuck Pierce & Rich Vera

WATCH! God is Bringing Judgment of NFL and that Which has Held You Back, Chuck Pierce & Rich Vera




PROPHECY! God is Shifting the Church back to His Original Intent: Shift with God- Chuck Pierce

As this new year is starting, we have the opportunity to forget what is in the past and move forward in what God is saying and doing. So many have been struggling, where it seemed as if nothing was working out. Lift your heads and know that God is restricting things. When Chuck Pierce was recently on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, he shared many powerful prophetic words about what the Lord has revealed to him about this year.

In a conversation about Christians being bored with church as many know it to be, Chuck Pierce shares a riveting understanding. “They’re bored with the old wineskin. They’re bored with a church that didn’t shift”. Pierce continues to point out that this year “is a year of unlocking”. Many have gotten caught up being focused on church, when Jesus calls us to “seek first the Kingdom”. Pierce explains, ‘if we quit unlocking the Kingdom, if we quit moving in God’s plan for how He wants us to move, our structure gets old’. Pierce continues to point out how this year can be seen by the events that are described in the Book of Ruth.

What God is doing within His Church is nothing like we have seen before. This coming harvest is beyond any one minister, or congregation. People are not seeking the platform ministry anymore. The stage is not going to be there anymore. It is important to recognize that we need to introduce others to who Jesus is and to be able to hear His voice. God loves each of us personally. He rewards those who diligently seek Him. See the full conversation of this exciting prophetic word, how important it is for us to personally know the Lord intimately, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Chuck Pierce, Sid Roth, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Holy Spirit, dreams, vision, prophecy, Book of Ruth, the harvest, the Body of Christ, and God Chasers. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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PROPHECY! 2018 Your Struggle Comes to an END Freeing you to Flourish!  Hurricane Hit Cities Cleansed for REVIVAL- Rich Vera

It is such a beautiful moment to see God’s perspective of this coming year. For many, if the day to day routine were to be summed up in one word, it would be struggle. As God has prophetically shown Rich Vera, these days of struggle are ending. Rich Vera recently shared what the Lord has been speaking to him when spoke with Sid Roth on It’s Supernatural.

As Vera explains, “God is bringing us, in this year to the finality, to the end of struggle, and the system that has kept us bound”. He continues to share how God is bringing about judgment in this hour. “God is judging the system that has corrupted society…in [2018], we are beginning a new life for those that have been faithfully waiting in the promises of God”.  

Vera also shares how revival is coming in this hour, and the natural disasters that we have seen in the weather is God preparing specific areas for His Spirit to move. The Lord spoke to Vera specifically about the floods and fires that have been taking place. “I’m answering the prayers of the saints of old, and the saints of now, that have been praying for change, and for cleansing in their cities.” According to Vera, the hurricane that decimated Puerto Rico was God” dealing with the principalities that have corrupted those cities”. Additionally, Vera points out the power of God is coming again to the Church in California as was demonstrated in the life of Aimee Semple McPherson.

It is inspiring to know how God is moving and bringing down the attacks and plans of the enemy. The only reason that we are protected is because God is protecting us. See the full conversation about what is taking place in this prophetic year, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rich Vera, Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, Holy Spirit, spiritual warfare, Aimee Semple McPherson, California, Hurricane Maria, and Puerto Rico. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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PROPHECY! Judgment coming on Sports and the Proud will be humbled- Rich Vera

God is going to bring down the prideful. In this last year, continual controversial events have unfolded regarding the National Football League. Some found themselves involved in issues that they may have never thought they would be in. While some were kneeling at the acknowledgment of the American flag, it is important to remember that it is God that has allowed this land to be birthed. Some people were kneeling simply to push a personal agenda. Now, God is going to deal with the pride.

When speaking to Sid Roth on It’s Supernatural, Rich Vera shared about what the Lord has revealed to him. “I saw in the sport industry, the different categories, that God was going to humble the proud, especially those that claimed themselves to be believers and they have forgotten that it was God that prospered them”. As Vera continues to explain, “many of them were going to be humbled to a place that they will lose everything, so they can gain back their walk with Jesus”.

It is important to remember, that when we are blessed, it isn’t about the blessing, but recognizing why God is blessing us; for others. Some in the sports industry have forgotten this important truth. See the full prophetic word from Rich Vera, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rich Vera, Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, National Football League, NFL, the Arts & Entertainment Mountain, NFL kneeling, NFL Anthem protests, NFL attendance, national anthem protests, and prophecy. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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PROPHECY!  The White House filled with Signs, Wonders and Prophets! And Sexual Revolution Reversal in 2018 – Rich Vera

As Rich Vera continues to share many exciting prophetic words about what the Lord has shown him about this year, he spoke with Sid Roth on It’s Supernatural about what the Lord had shown him regarding President Trump and the White House. Speaking with overwhelming encouragement, before Vera shares what the Lord has shown him, he speaks to all of those that have prayed and interceded for our nation and our leadership.

“Your prayers are working in America!” He then begins to share what God showed him. “I saw the sexual perversion that wanted to take over, not only society, but also the Church, and God was going to push it back this season.” In response, he then shares what God was doing in response; “and allow the voice of purity to rise up again”. This new move is continuing by a refreshing wind that is sweeping across America. “The Holy Spirit’s fire is going to be released in the White House, that there will be signs and wonders that will take place inside the White House”. Because of what Vera was shown happening in the White House, he also saw “a divine mantle of protection being released over the President and over America, where the enemies of America were going to be, literally, pushed back in this season…”

It is so encouraging to see and know how the many prayers that are being lifted up to the Lord is bringing about these exciting truths. Be encouraged as you hear the entire prophetic word from Rich Vera, and so much more. Rich Vera, Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, The White House, President Donald Trump, signs and wonders in the White House, The Trump Administration, Holy Spirit, divine protection, prosperity, voice of purity, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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