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Home » WATCH! God is Bringing Judgment on the System & spirit of Infirmity; A New Vision for the Church, Rich Vera & Chuck Pierce

WATCH! God is Bringing Judgment on the System & spirit of Infirmity; A New Vision for the Church, Rich Vera & Chuck Pierce




It is such a beautiful opportunity when we are able to begin things with God’s perspective and understanding. As we begin this new year of 2018, Rich Vera has shared what the Lord has prophetically shown him about what the Lord is doing in this year. When Vera was speaking to Sid Roth on It’s Supernatural, he shared how the Lord is opening a portal from heaven to the Earth releasing abundant breakthrough.

Vera begins to share that the Lord spoke to him these words, “I’m going to judge the killers of the babies”. Vera saw a woman nursing her baby but didn’t understand what he was being shown. He asked more what the Lord was saying. “I’m about to open the eyes so life can once again be spoken loud through the bodies of women.”

Vera continued to share how significant blessing is coming because of President Trump’s bold stand to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. “For him to be the man that spoke boldly to the nations of the world, he released a spirit that opened a portal for blessings to be released from Israel to the rest of the world”.

Greg Lancaster was also shown miraculous provision coming the moment that judgment came to the evil one. We are already beginning to see this taking place as continual record highs are being seen in the stock market. Numerous companies are releasing bonuses never imagined. $3.5 Trillion in tax cuts have come. It’s vital to understand that this is not being done by any government. It’s being done by God.

See the full prophetic word from Rich Vera, what Greg Lancaster was shown about provision, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rich Vera, Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, prophecy, prophetic word, tax cuts, abundant blessings, provision, President Trump acknowledges Jerusalem as capital of Israel, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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It is such a beautiful opportunity when we are able to begin things with God’s perspective and understanding. As we begin this new year of 2018, Chuck Pierce has shared what the Lord has prophetically shown him about what the Lord is doing in this year when he recently spoke with Sid Roth. As many may be able to attest, there has been much difficulty and things that have been coming against us. As Pierce shares, God is bringing judgment against that which has kept us from advancing.

“This year is also about judging things that would stop us from advancing.”  The fact that we have begun the year of 2018, has great significance. “18, Biblically, is linked with the judgment of a spirit of infirmity.” The times of difficulty that we have experienced are also connected with what God has in store for us on the horizon. Pierce continues, “you have to have a wilderness faceoff, then you turn, and you have a promise entry”.

When we hear the word ‘infirmity’, we have to understand that infirmity is not just involving illnesses or sicknesses. Pierce explains. “Infirmity doesn’t just mean sickness. It means weakness. The enemy will try to make you weak, so you can’t get through the gate. And I’m here to say, there is a supernatural strength at the gate.”

Many may have experienced a kind of “drudgery” in their daily walk with the Lord. Have you felt as though you were simply dragging your feet, one foot in front of the other, as you have pressed through where God has called you? God is bringing judgment upon that which has come against you. There is going to be a wind behind you. It is so exciting to hear these uplifting words from the Lord. Hear the full prophetic word from Chuck Pierce, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophecy, prophetic word, Chuck Pierce, Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, God’s judgment, Year of the Open Door, Holy Spirit, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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It is such a beautiful opportunity when we are able to begin things with God’s perspective and understanding. This is the year of realignment, which is not necessarily a bad thing. God is bringing structure and healing sicknesses and illnesses. As we begin this new year of 2018, Rich Vera has shared what the Lord has prophetically shown him about what the Lord is doing in this year.

During a time when Rich Vera’s mother was sick in the hospital, Vera responded by praying and fasting. During this particular fast the Lord came to Vera and spoke to him saying these words, “I am the healer”. It was these words that gave Vera that confidence to know that his mother was healed. As Vera shares, “the presence of Jesus is a healing presence”.

This is such an encouraging word. As Revelation 12:11 reveals, “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”. As Pastor Kilpatrick has shared, the words of truth are powerful, when we speak them out. We must SPEAK what the Bible declares, with our MOUTHS. For the mountains in our lives to move, we must SPEAK to them! Hear the full prophetic word from Rich Vera, as well as how God is moving upon His people with His presence to bring healing, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Holy Spirit, healing, prophecy, prophetic word, Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, infirmity, sickness, illnesses, weakness, supernatural strength, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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PROPHECY! NEW VISION FOR CHURCH, God restoring vision & Giving Hope in 2018

There is a beauty to the future when we have a vision for our lives, versus simply trying to survive our day-to-day routine. When sharing what the Lord has revealed to him, Chuck Pierce talks about how God is pouring out a new vision over His Body. “The Lord says there is new vision coming to the Body of Christ. They Lord says they are going to be able to see into a different dimensions, over their cities, over their states, over their nations”.

Some may have understood that they were under attack from the Lord. What they may not have understood is that their ‘why’ was also under attack. Because of this, many have forgotten why they are doing what it is they are doing. When vision comes back into our lives, a new hope arises as well. There is nothing like a fresh wind of clarity coming over our lives and our vision.

This is what VFNKB.com is all about. For those who have forgotten their why’s in their life, we want to help you find the why to your daily life. We want you to have hope in what the Lord has called you to do. Be encouraged as you see the full prophetic word from Chuck Pierce, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: year of the open door, Chuck Pierce, Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, prophecy, prophetic word, Holy Spirit, vision, Helen Keller, and hope.

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PROPHECY! End of Bondage; Finances, Marriage, Health Totally Whole in 2018! 

 So much hope and encouragement comes into our lives when we understand God’s perspective and understanding about the days that we are living in and His plans for the days ahead. When sharing with Sid Roth, Rich Vera shares an encouraging prophetic word about how God is bringing complete wholeness in every imaginable portion of our lives.

When Rich Vera did a study on what the year of 2018 meant, he was surprised to find it has a meaning of both bondage and life. When he took it to the Lord, he was shown, “it’s the end of the cycle of bondage and it’s the beginning of the cycle of life”. Vera continues to explain how we must respond to this new year. “2018 is the year that we must claim total wholeness in every area of our lives.” If one were to consider healing, they may consider healing in their bodies. But, as Vera explains, there is much more that God wants to heal in your life. ” …healing in your marriages, healing in your finances, healing in your children’s relationships…”

This is so encouraging when we begin to see just how much God cares about each of these areas in our lives and wants us to experience healing to the fullness. See the full prophetic word from Rich Vera, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophetic word, prophecy, Holy Spirit, Rich Vera, Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, year of the open door, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

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