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Home » HACKATHON FOR GOD! Leaders of I.T. Advancing the Kingdom of God

HACKATHON FOR GOD! Leaders of I.T. Advancing the Kingdom of God

LISTEN NOW! Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! In our generation, there is no question that most people are familiar with the continual advancements and developments of the internet. It seems as if new things are being developed daily. What if this is God’s plan and He is using the internet to advance His Kingdom? This is the very essence of the Code for the Kingdom Hackathon.
When Christian developers, business owners, graphics designers, entrepreneurs, and programmers come together, something awesome happens for the Kingdom. As one man shares, “we are all here today to talk about Information Technology Solutions for the Kingdom. Let’s pray about our purpose together for being here this weekend.” As a game art designer, Alexander shares his excitement about the event with these words; “I just love the idea of bringing technology in a way to glorify God. Applied technology is just exciting!” As a developer, Chris says, “It’s about activating people to unleash their gifts for the Gospel.”
This is the essence of what VFN Kingdom Business is all about: VFNKB.com. When we come together to share ideas about where God has called us to serve, whether it is in education, business, arts & entertainment, family, government, the Church, or in media, one “nugget” of wisdom from God can transform our lives, a business, or an entire industry. See the full report about what is taking place in the Kingdom of God in this exciting hour, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: 7 Mountains of Culture, Information Technology, VFN Kingdom Business, apps, social media, business owners, graphics designers, entrepreneurs, developers, websites, writing code, and the harvest. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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