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Home » WATCH! Record Breaking Manifestations in Wealth & Economy; God is Dealing with North Korea, Prophetic Words from Hank Kunneman

WATCH! Record Breaking Manifestations in Wealth & Economy; God is Dealing with North Korea, Prophetic Words from Hank Kunneman




As we begin this new year, it is so encouraging to begin these days with the perspective that God has for this year. God has revealed prophetically to Hank Kunneman just some of what will take place this year. As Kunneman shares, we will see many records broken this year, far beyond anything that we can expect.

“Watch the records that shall be broken and the records that shall be made.” What is encouraging is the wide range of areas that we will see records being broken this year. According to Kunneman, it will be in our stock exchange, in our national economy, as well as personal economies. “Even now”, the Lord says, “reach into your pocket and say ‘the days of emptiness is over. The days of lack are over.’ Because I’m going to put into the hands of my people resources like you have not seen before.”

This is such a word of encouragement as many need to be set free financially. Faith is preparing for what God is releasing in this hour. It takes resources for a move of God to take place. Know that God is also releasing resources to prepare for this move of God. If this word encourages you, we want to hear from you. Share with us how this message has blessed you.

Also shared in this segment: The New York Stock Exchange, renewable energies, natural gas, European Union, record breaking year in the nation’s economy, record breaking year in the stock exchange, Hank Kunneman, prophecy, prophetic word, Holy Spirit, hope, favor, and blessings. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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As we begin this new year, it is so encouraging to begin these days with the perspective that God has for this year. God has revealed prophetically to Hank Kunneman how God desires His people to engage Him regarding the desires they have in their hearts. Kunneman shares how the Lord directed him to look throughout Scripture, and the many times that Jesus asked people, “What do you want me to do for you?”. This is the question that the Lord is asking of us today. Kunneman explains, “I feel very prompted in my heart, be specific with God”.

What are you believing God for? We are not doing God any favors by not asking. If we do not ask, we do not have the faith that believes He can do what we are wanting Him to do. Has God answered you in those times of asking? We want to hear from you. Share what God has done in your life. See the full prophetic word from Hank Kunneman, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Hank Kunneman, prophecy, prophetic word, Holy Spirit, hope, favor, and faith. Greg and John shared in this segment.

#SuccessSecrets; Faithfulness in the Ordinary Brings EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS; Benham Brothers, Real Estate Entrepreneurs

As we progress through life, we often want to know if there is a better way at carrying out the daily responsibilities that are unavoidable. Is there a better way to be doing this? Am I doing this right? The Benham brothers have impacted many through their life story of what God has done in their lives, chronicled in the book Whatever the Cost.

As the Benham brothers shares, it is often in the daily grind of the ordinary that sets us apart. “Faithfulness is proved in the ordinary. We’ve heard it said that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things, and that’s true. But God also uses extraordinary people to do very ordinary things. Faithfulness to God is tested in the fires of the ordinary.” How very true this is. It is important to understand that promotion does not come from the hands of men, but from God.

For example, they highlight how we should respond if we are looking to begin our own business. “The secret to having your own business- be a faithful employee in someone else’s business.” The same is applicable if you are wanting to own a home. “The secret to owning your own home is to be faithful in the one you are renting.” The same is true regarding finances. “The secret to having more money is to be faithful with the money you have now.”

This is such a powerful reality to comprehend. How many people are wanting to win the lottery, yet they are not even faithful with the money that they have presently been entrusted with? If we are not faithful with a dollar, we cannot be faithful with a million dollars. Have you seen this same understanding? How does this wisdom impact you? We want to hear from you. Hear the full conversation on how to be a better steward with what God has entrusted to each of us, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Benham Brothers, faithfulness, wisdom, entrepreneurship, finances, is my life ordinary? and times of testing. Greg and John shared in this segment.

#SuccessSecrets – T.D. Jakes, God Wants You to Succeed where You Work, Play, and Live; In LIFE

Some may think that success is something that other people can experience. Jesus Christ wants all of us to experience the fullness of this life. When recently speaking to CBN News, Bishop T.D. Jakes shared some of the principles that he has learned in life. “Christ didn’t say that ‘I have come so that you might have church’. He said, ‘I’ve come so that you might have life, and have that life more abundantly’”. Some may categorize this as a prosperity gospel message, but Jakes continues. “I’m not trying to make people rich. This is not a prosperity preaching message. This is about empowering people to accomplish that dream.”

Many people are wanting to know, is there a better way to do ‘church’? How do I get promoted in the workplace? How do I raise my children? How do I affect media? There is a mountain of culture that God has created you to impact and make a difference. This is what VFNKB is all about. We want to empower you to make an affect and difference where God has called you to. Do these truths empower you? Do they speak to the many questions and longings that you have desired in your life? We want to hear from you. Share with us the desires that God has put in your heart to make a difference in our world.

See the full conversation about these important words of wisdom from Bishop T.D. Jakes, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: CBN News, life lessons, wisdom, impacting the 7 mountains of culture, how do I raise my children? how do I get promoted? what does it mean to live a life of influence? and life management. Greg and John shared in this segment.

PROPHECY! N. KOREA WILL OPEN! Once Kim Jung Un is DISPLACED! – Hank Kunneman

As many prophetic words have been released as we are beginning this new year, Hank Kunneman has recently shared a concerning word over the upcoming Olympics that are being held in Pyongyang, South Korea. As Kunneman shares, God is going to deal with the oppressive leadership of North Korea.

“The reason why North Korea is in the news right now is because of what it represents. It’s a spiritual domino…the devil wants to usurp his throne above the congregation of the North…that’s why the man is a puppet, speaking for the principalities of that region.” Kunneman continues to share what the Lord revealed to him about this leadership coming down. “And God is saying, ‘once there is a displacing of a fool, and a disarming of a fool, the whole hemisphere is going to open. What is underground shall begin to come above ground, and it’ll appear as a tremendous light.”

This is deeply encouraging, and God is bringing freedom to those that are oppressed within North Korea. You cannot negotiate with the devil. When someone decides to open those doors of darkness, there is no deciding what comes through it. When Christians are sentenced by the North Korean government, 3 to 4 generations are sent into concentration camps. God loves the Korean people and is about to bring unity into this region by His hand. Has the Lord shown you anything regarding North Korea? We want to hear from you. See the entire word from Hank Kunneman regarding North Korea, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Pyongyang South Korea, North Korea, the persecuted Church, concentration camps, Kim Jong-Un, the Jerusalem of the East, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.


As we begin this new year, it is always encouraging to see this new year from the eyes of the Lord. We don’t have to begin this new year the way the years of the past have been. When sharing a prophetic word, the Lord had shown him for this year, Hank Kunneman reminds us that the Lord sees each of us exactly where we are.

Kunneman shares that the Lord directed him to Luke 13, where Jesus healed a woman who had been crippled for 18 years. As Kunneman explains, “Jesus saw her”. Kunneman continues, “the enemy has been pressing the people of God so much to make them think that somehow we’re never gonna get free, we’re never gonna see an answer…God is noticing…” Just like the woman that was set free from her condition after 18 years, Kunneman shares prophetically, that in this year of 2018, so it is for us. “I speak specifically against the spirit of witchcraft and divination, assignments of the enemy, I BREAK IT NOW! I command it to COME OFF, and I speak, and I declare, WOMAN, MAN, BE LOOSED! BE LOOSED! BE LOOSED! from that which has weighed you down…”

Has this been you? Have you felt pressed down and hindered from what you felt that God has called you to? We want to hear from you. Has this word confirmed what you have been wrestling with? Share with us how this word has encouraged you and lifted your heart. See the full prophetic word from Hank Kunneman, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural, Hank Kunneman, prophetic word, spiritual warfare, healing, signs, wonders, Holy Spirit, hope, encouragement, faith, year of 2018, a new door, a new season, and deliverance. Greg and John shared in this segment.


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