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Home » WATCH! How Does the President Respond to N. Korea, Iran and Pakistan? Selena Gomez Gives life to God!

WATCH! How Does the President Respond to N. Korea, Iran and Pakistan? Selena Gomez Gives life to God!



& Ambassador Haley Openly Declare their support for the Oppressed People of
Iran, for
U.S. Ambassador to the United
Nations, Nikki Haley, has garnered for herself the nickname “Haley’s Comet”
with her bold and matter-of-fact
style since she has began speaking to the international community at the
. Most
recently, she spoke on behalf of the Trump Administration when making remarks
about the events that have been unfolding within the nation of Iran. During the
Obama Administration, the green party wrote a letter to Barack Obama but he
never responded to them. In response, he made a nuclear deal with the nation of
Iran. The Trump Administration is demonstrating quite a different approach to
Iran: boldness and truth!
Ambassador Haley recently spoke at the United Nations
specifically in response to Iran. “In these first days of 2018, nowhere is the
urgency of peace, security and freedom being more tested than in Iran.”

What some may not be aware of is how the Iranian people are standing up in
massive protest to the oppressive regime of the Iranian leadership. Speaking
with encouragement towards these courageous people, Ambassador Haley shares, “it
takes great bravery for the Iranian people to use the power of their voice
against their government, especially when their government has a long history
of murdering its own people who dare to speak the truth.”
the critical opportunities this generation are afforded; the Iranian people are
shouting their voices using social media, in spite of their government
attempting to shutdown social media. As Ambassador Haley shares, Twitter posts
are boldly declaring what some of the Iranian people are hoping for.
these brigades are coming out to the streets. They’ve come out against the
prisoners must be free.”
Freedom. Iranian Republic.”
Gaza, nor Lebanon. My life only for Iran.”
go of Syria. Think of us.”
will die, but will take Iran back.”
be afraid. Don’t be afraid. We’re all together.”
significance of this moment is Ambassador Haley underscoring that these words
are from the Iranian people and no
one else. “Those are not my words. Those are not the words of the United States.
Those are the words of the brave people of Iran.”
In an attempt to twist
the realities of what is actually taking place, Ambassador Haley highlights how
the Iranian government is attempting to blame these massive gatherings on the
enemies of Iran. Continuing to speak with boldness and truth, Ambassador Haley
adds, “we all know that’s complete nonsense.” She adds, “the
demonstrations are completely spontaneous. They are virtually in every city in
As she speaks to the audience within the United Nation, she
calls on the international community to take note of these events and respond. “Dozens
have already been killed. Hundreds have been arrested. If the Iranian
dictatorship is any guide, we can expect more outrageous abuses in the days to
Can you
imagine being part of this oppressed community and doing all that you can to
speak out against the realities that are taking place in your country, against
your own people? For so long, much of the mainstream media has not talked about
what has been taking place in Iran. We must pray for the Iranian people. We
must pray for the Church in Iran as God is moving mightily amidst the Iranian
people. See the full conversation to see the full words from Ambassador Haley
and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, United Nations,
The Trump Administration, President Donald Trump, Iran, U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations Nikki Haley, Iranian dictatorship, and the Iranian Nuclear Deal.
Greg and John shared in this segment.
“We Will Never Accept a Nuclear North
Korea” says US Ambassador to United Nations Nikki Haley
As the Trump Administration has taken
new steps to lead the United States, the international community is turning
heads as a new style of boldness and ‘leading from the front’ is taking place
again. The same voice of boldness is echoing through the
Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley,
as she continues to speak out against
events that are happening throughout the world. Ambassador Haley spoke boldly
on the North Korean regime and their nuclear development program.
response to the possibility of North Korea carrying out another missile test,
Ambassador Haley shares these clear words; “We will never accept a nuclear North
It is so refreshing to hear clarity being shouted again from
America’s leadership as for so long, truth appeared to be lost. See the full
comments from Ambassador Haley as she speaks about the critical topic of North
Korea, as well as a myriad of other international topics, and so much more.
Also shared in this segment: United Nations, The Trump Administration,
President Donald Trump, Iran, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki
Haley, Kim jung-Un, North Korea, nuclear missile testing, and sanctions. Greg
and John shared in this segment. 



USA $255 Million DENIED for Pakistan,
They’re Refusal to Stop Funding & Giving Refuge to Terrorists!
It is so refreshing to hear clarity
being shouted again from America’s leadership, as for so long, truth appeared
to be lost. President Donald Trump has been leading America in such a way, that
the international community cannot help but turn their heads to take note that
things are no longer as they once were. What was accepted as normal will no
longer be tolerated.  This couldn’t be truer
than when witnessing the bold words that are being shared from
Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley
, when speaking about crises that are happening
throughout the international community.
In a press
conference at the United Nations, Ambassador Haley spoke about America’s
decision to pull the funding that has previously been given to Pakistan. “The
Administration is withholding $255 Million in assistance to Pakistan.”
continues to address the reasons as to why. “Pakistan has played a double
game for years. They work with us at times, and they also harbor the terrorists
that attack our troops in Afghanistan. That game is not acceptable to this Administration.”
This is
simply common sense. We need to protect those who are fighting to protect our
freedom in America, our sons and daughters in our military. This is such a
refreshing sight to see leadership standing boldly for truth. See the full
conversation about what is taking place in this hour, as well as Ambassador
Haley’s full comments, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: United
Nations, President Donald Trump, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki
Haley, Senator Rand Paul, Mexico Border Wall, and Pakistan. Greg and John
shared in this segment. 



NFL Russell Okung, Biggest Pay Check
& Larger Heart, Helping Underserved, BeGreater.org
One can only imagine the difficulty a
sports agent undergoes when having to negotiate a sports contract. As an
offensive lineman for the
Los Angeles Chargers, Russell Okung, doesn’t rely on an agent. He does it
himself! Not only does he break the mold in how athletes take care of their
contracts, he is also the highest paid in the
NFL, in his position. Okung is not only defending people on
the field, but also off the field. He has created
GreaterGood to help those underprivileged to have
the opportunities that their present situations do not afford them.
In an
interview with CBN News, Okung was asked about his efforts off the field and
his spearheading work to start “
Be Greater”. In response, he shares, “we’ve
essentially leveraged the sports platform to work through technology to give
people opportunities and access in the technology sector.”
He continues
to explain how his labors are responding to the inequalities and income
differences in the workforce. 
When asked
how his
actions have affected the lives of others, he
responds with the question of what does it actually look like to “love your
neighbor”. Answering his own question, he shares, “it means that we have an
obligation with one another in every facet of life. In every facet!”
continues, “it starts with being present in somebody’s life. Somebody that may not
look like you, may not understand you. But, just going out of your way to just
be there.”
This is
the essence of the VFN Kingdom Business mindset. All of us have been gifted
into a particular area of culture, or maybe multiple areas. Whether it be in
business, education, arts & entertainment, media, government, family, or
the church; all of us are called to advance God’s Kingdom. Okung is doing this
very call and he is changing lives.
Okung is not satisfied knowing that many
are out there living their lives unable to escape the environment of their own
neighborhood. “Imagine that chaos and imagine there being a solution that you can
change that environment because you believe that there’s potential there. That
you believe that what you do will matter so much that nobody will ever have to
experience that in their life, again.”
When we
are blessed in this life, we need to bless those that are around us. God
doesn’t mind us being blessed. He wants the blessing to pass through us and to
others. Be encouraged and lifted up as you see the whole story of how Okung is
using his talents on the field to change lives off the field, and so much more.
Also shared in this segment: Russell Okung, NFL, Los Angeles Chargers, Greater
Good, computer science, computer technology, Blessed 2B a Blessing, mentoring
programs, Arts & Entertainment, T.D. Jakes, Kingdom Impact, and 7 Mountains
of Culture. Greg and John shared in this segment. 



Selena Gomez “I’m a Child of God” Shares
Powerful Encounter with Jesus Christ
As a pop singer, Selena Gomez
has made an impact in the music industry with her talents in singing. She has
most recently been recognized by her
comments that she recently shared. According
to Christian Headlines, Gomez opened up about the emptiness of the
entertainment industry. “You will feel like the loud screams from
thousands of people while you are onstage will be the thing that saves you, but
it isn’t…I was depressed, anxious. I started to have panic attacks right before
getting on-stage, or right after leaving the stage.”
It wasn’t
until her 23rd birthday that she realized there had to be a change.
Gomez gave her life to the Lord. She also opened up about what the Lord said to
“Selena, you are enough! Not
because you’ve tried hard, not because you have loved hard or put on your best
face. Not because you have been given a large platform and not because others
tell you ‘you are enough. You are enough because you are a child of God who has
been pursued from the very beginning. You are enough because His grace has
saved you and covered you. And every good thing you do will flow from this
truth. What you give to others will always be an overflow of what He has given
to you. Selena you don’t have to try so hard. You can rest.”
This is
such a beautiful moment for her, and we share in this excitement with Gomez.
See the full comments that Gomez has shared about her life changing decision,
and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Hillsong Conference, Justin
Bieber, salvation, Holy Spirit, and 7 Mountains of Culture. Greg and John shared
in this segment. 


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