LISTEN NOW! Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! Did you know that God has a plan for each and every one of us? No matter who we are or our age, God still desires and can use us for His purposes and His glory. Sometimes, we can believe that since we have become a particular age, God can no longer use us. But this is not the case. Those who were born between 1946 – 1964 are a part of the Baby boomers Generation. If you feel that you have been overlooked, then you have a treat in store. Jeremiah Johnson has recently shared a prophetic word, specifically for Baby boomers that is sure to encourage and uplift you.
As Jeremiah Johnson shares prophetically, he speaks to those in the Baby boomer Generation. “God showed me that there are many men and women in the body of Christ right now born between 1946-1964 that have been “overlooked”.” Regardless of how the world views those in this generation, God has mighty plans in store. “In 2018, God is going to begin to promote and grant favor to men and women in the Body of Christ who have been overlooked for faithfulness and courage even when they have suffered disappointment and rejection on many occasions.”
As Johnson continues, he shares how those in this generation have the wisdom that God desires to be in His Body. ”I heard God say, “Great wisdom is missing in My body.” I said, “Where is it Lord?” He said, “It’s with the baby boomers who have been overlooked, but now they will be revealed carrying great wisdom to My body for such a time as this!”
Johnson underscores the expectancy that those in the Baby Boomer Generation should have for this year.
“God says, “This is your year! Do not continue to feel sorry for yourself or believe that I have left you on the sidelines. I say to you this year, it is time to get off the bench and get in the game. The young generations are in great need of the wisdom you carry, wisdom that has come at times from your own failures and mistakes. Nonetheless, you have much to offer and if you are willing and available, I will cause a vibrancy and fresh wind of My Spirit to come upon you and enable you to fulfill My will in and around you, says God.”
Considering that most in the Baby Boomer Generation consider their best years behind them, Johnson prophecies that this is not the case.
“There are mighty plans that God has for you. Some of you have even had some measures of success in your younger years but have fallen prey to discouragement over the last ten years. I will strengthen you” says your God. “I will cause you to rise to the occasion and fulfill the assignments I am about to release to you this year. Be encouraged and of good cheer. I will fight for you and win your heart over to me like never before. This is your year says God!”
We need the wisdom of those who have gone before us to help us and to lead us in this journey of life. It is often said that is better to borrow wisdom than it is to have to buy wisdom. We can borrow wisdom from those who have lived through the seasons of life that we have yet to enter in to. No matter who we are, we need a Paul in our life; someone who can mentor us and speak into our lives. We also need a Timothy; someone that we can speak into and guide through the journeys that we have already experienced. We also need a Barnabas in our lives; someone to encourage us through life’s difficulties. Are you looking for someone to speak into your life? Are you looking to speak into the life of another person? The reward of life is to walk with others as we are all walking with Christ, just as Jesus did with His 12 disciples. What are the desires in your heart? Are you ready to walk with the next generation? See the full conversation as you hear the full prophetic word from Jeremiah Johnson, the importance of relationships with others in our lives, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Holy Spirit, prophetic word, Prophecy, hope, encouragement, Baby Boomer Generation, Generation X, Millennials, Generation Z, discipleship, family, wisdom, knowledge, and Google. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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