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Home » Anti-Israel Bias last Straw U.S. Pulls Out of Human Rights Council-Nikki Haley

Anti-Israel Bias last Straw U.S. Pulls Out of Human Rights Council-Nikki Haley



The nation of Israel has been singled out time and again at the United Nations. Anne Bayefksy, director of Touro Human Rights Institute, shares with Prager University some systematic truths concerning what has been said and done to Israel within the United Nations. “38% of all U.N. Human Rights Council resolutions have been directed at Israel alone. The Council has a permanent agenda composed of 10 items, one of which is always reserved for criticizing Israel…Israel has endured innumerable acts of terrorism.” Israel is not a perfect country, but it is one of the freest countries. “There’s only one country in the world whose very legitimacy is questioned. Only one country that is openly threatened with annihilation, that country is Israel. And what has the United Nations done about it? Worse than nothing, it has itself become a global platform for anti-Semitism and the destruction of the Jewish state.” She shares some amazing and shocking truths of what has taken place at the United Nations and the agenda against Israel. This must stop!

Nikki Haley, Ambassador to the United Nations, stands for Americans interests and for the nation of Israel. Ambassador Haley spoke recently at a joint press conference with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “For too long the Human Rights Council has been a protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias…the United States is officially withdrawing from the UNHRC.” The United Nations has been hurting democracy around the world because of their actions. Although we can have hope that the U.N. can turn around and change their ways and we can pray for that change. Also, keep praying for the peace of Israel! We want to hear from you! Also shared in this segment: Intifada, Iran, Syria, Durban Conference, Racism, Communist, Voting, Abusers. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of USA Today

U.S. withdraws from UNHRC citing chronic anti-Israel bias
Nikki Haley delivers remarks on leaving the Human Rights Council
Is the UN Fair to Israel?
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