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Home » VFNKB Success Secret – Vital Career Advice for Millennial’s- Karen McCullough

VFNKB Success Secret – Vital Career Advice for Millennial’s- Karen McCullough



In this segment the VFNKB Success Secret is about great career advice directed towards millennial’s but is really for anyone and it gives the points on how you can be successful in your workplace. At VFNKB this is what we want to do is help you be successful in your sphere or mountain of culture! Karen McCullough gives us this valuable advice. “You have to master their way before you suggest yours.” When you just get hired it is best to walk in humility and become a part of the company and learn how things are done at that time versus making people adapt to your way. “You have to be a sponge.” Learn from other’s experiences! “You have to invest in yourself before we invest in you.” Take classes, go to seminars, and at VFNKB we invest in you to help you be successful! “You have to be committed to your career…you have to be an ambassador of the brand.” Don’t be using someone else’s product when you can use your own company’s product. Lastly, “Work through biases and see people as people.” We need to get outside our minds as we walk through life and accept and love everyone. When you follow these steps, it will help you to be successful! We want to hear from you! Also shared in this segment, Presentation, Conference, Giving, Vision. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Screenshot courtesy of Youtube.com Karen McCullough

Advice for Millennials in the Workplace
Emmaus Road Discipleship
VFN Kingdom Business
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