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Home » VFNKB #SuccessSecret: It’s Not about Your Gift, But About Your Choices, Jeff Bezos- Amazon

VFNKB #SuccessSecret: It’s Not about Your Gift, But About Your Choices, Jeff Bezos- Amazon



Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, shares a success secret on how to have adventure in your life. Jeff is asked the question, what is the role that adventure plays in his life? “For me, adventure is…we all get to choose our life stories; it’s the choices that define us not our gifts…you can never be proud of your gifts because they are gifts, they were given to you…you can only really be proud of your choices because those are the things that you are acting on. One of the most important choices that each of us has…is you can choose a life of ease and comfort, or you can choose a life of service and adventure.”

Everybody is created in the image and likeness of God. We have a choice and can choose to do what is hard and be willing to do the hard work even when we must do it alone.  “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and THE WAY IS EASY that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” When you choose to succeed, you don’t have to have a big crowd around you. We must prepare to win! Faith and works together complete what we are doing, and we are in this fight with you, and at VFNKB we are helping you to walk through the narrow gate and to make the right choices for your life. Your success is our success, our success is your success, and our success together is Kingdom success! If you build a solid foundation and continue to reinvest, then you will be successful. We want to hear from you! Also shared in this segment, Millennial, Interview, Time. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and brother Mark give a rare interview about growing up and secrets to success
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