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Home » WATCH! February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 1

WATCH! February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 1




February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 1

God does nothing without showing His people first. God has spoken to many including Greg concerning things that have taken place. “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 Greg shares how he heard from God concerning President Donald Trump before he was the President. In October 2016, Greg had a dream where President Obama was walking him to the White House, and they were talking about President Obama’s accomplishments. Greg said goodbye to him, and he walked into the White House, and Donald Trump was sitting there on a couch. Greg shook his hand, and Donald Trump pulled him close and said, “It happened.” The next part of the dream people of all ethnicities were in the White House. The interpretation of the dream is that Donald Trump would be close to the Church and that the White House would be given back to the people. Which that is the original name of the White House, The People’s House. Many great historical events have taken place since President Trump has been in office. He has delivered on his promises and is a friend of the Church. As Pastor John Kilpatrick stated, “President Trump may not be a man of God, but he definitely is God’s man.” And with all the positive things happening in America we know that to be true.

In February 2018, Brianna Bolender had a prophetic dream concerning President Trump and how he would be the best representative for African Americans. She shared her dream at Vine Fellowship Network Dream Center, and we are now seeing this dream come to pass! In this dream, she was walking with President Trump, one of his advisors, and a young African American man, in what appeared to be a large store, like a Sam’s Club. “As we’re going through the aisles, each aisle was an issue. Like taxes and poverty.” She continues to share how, what appeared to be a national poll on past presidents, was at the end of one aisle. “They had done this nationwide poll of something to the effect of ‘what administration did you [the African American Community] feel the most represented or edified.’” As she describes how she saw the results of the poll, she could see the name of Obama overwhelmingly circled. She continues, “you could tell that this poll had been done before because [Bill] Clinton’s name was there and those who had selected  Clinton before scratched that out and circled Obama.” It was then that the young, energetic African American man who had been walking and talking the entire time said this revealing statement. “You see, they felt they were edified or represented by this Administration. But, the truth is, they lost their identity in that Administration.” God is responding to the injustice that has been happening in America. God is a just God and justice must come! We saw this take place when our sin was dealt with when Jesus lived a sinless life, and He offered up His body. He died on the cross, rose again and because of this sacrifice justice was served on Jesus for our sin! Justice is coming!

President Trump met at the White House with African American pastors from all over the Nation, and we see the fulfillment of the prophetic dream Brianna had. We are so grateful for the pastors going to the White House and representing the Church. We hear from President Trump as he welcomes the pastors, “Throughout our history, America’s Church’s and religious leaders have called for change and have inspired us to care for and bring hope back to those in need. So many people in need, these are the people that they do a job, it’s really largely unrecognized…We’ve increased and created 3.7 million more jobs since election day. African American and Hispanic unemployment rates have reached the lowest levels in recorded history.” This is so important! A job represents so many things for those that previously could not find a job.

Because there are so many jobs being made available President Trump recognizes the need for training and education for everyone that is needed to fill these millions of jobs. He remarks on the training that will be coming soon, “So far over 100 companies have pledged to train and retrain over 4 million Americans.” Exciting days are taking place. Opportunity Zones are being created to help create a place where people can get educated and receive help to get a job which Dr. Ben Carson has started EnVision Centers to do the same. President Trump speaks about these Opportunity Zones. “We fought hard to include Opportunity Zones in our tax bill…this tax incentive will bring badly needed investment into distressed communities. Communities with high unemployment, communities where it’s really tough and tough to get a job.” When you grow up in a bad environment, it can cause tragic things to take place to innocent people. President Trump is saying that all lives matter and he is working hard to make all of America a better place.

The President continues his conversation speaking on how he is working to help prisoners be successful when they get out of prison. “Our focus on opportunity for every citizen is helping former prisoners. These citizens reentering society have had a tough time…the best thing we can do is actually, exactly what we are doing, creating an environment where the country is going so well. Prisoners have never ever done better than they are doing now when they get out because they are getting jobs…for the first time probably I can say ever, they are getting a break… People that are hiring prisoners, they are loving them…When we say hire American, we mean all Americans, every American, everybody.” When there is a rising tide, every boat floats. This upward mobility that is taking place in America is helping everyone! It is wonderful that the prisoners are getting this opportunity to get a job which can help them to stay out of prison. Jesus said, “For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.” God loves everyone! We must have mercy on these that have messed up and help them out. Many things are taking place, and it is an answer to prayer. We want to hear from you! Make sure to check out the next parts to this segment as well. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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