Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » WATCH! From India! What does Christmas mean to You? + Benny Hinn Asked, What Keeps You from Getting Healed? + What God told Daniel Kolenda when He didn’t have time to Pray before speaking to 500,000 people + Why did God Tell Evangelist Benny Hinn to Get Off the Platform

WATCH! From India! What does Christmas mean to You? + Benny Hinn Asked, What Keeps You from Getting Healed? + What God told Daniel Kolenda when He didn’t have time to Pray before speaking to 500,000 people + Why did God Tell Evangelist Benny Hinn to Get Off the Platform



From India! What does Christmas mean to You?

What does Christmas mean to you? This is a great question to ask yourself and others. Some people of the streets of Bangalore in India are asked that question.

One man answers that question what Christmas means to him, “It is Jesus coming down for us, it is the epitome of love.”

A woman responds with her answer, “This is love, joy, hope, and peace. So, this is the time we spread the love which God has given us.”

Next, they are asked what Jesus means to them. A man responds, “Jesus is everything to me…from day one He has always been there. I am a very firm believer of Christ, and I love Him, and He loves us.”

A woman answers the question next, “He means all but above all He is God. He is God for me. He is my friend, He is my Savior, and I believe He died for my sins and that He lives. We celebrate His birthday on December 25, but actually, it is every day a celebration that Jesus was born and came into this world. It is amazing to know that He came, and He came as my God and to save the world.”

Be encouraged by these responses and watch or listen to the full segment. We want to hear your answer to these questions. You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Benny Hinn Asked, What Keeps You from Getting Healed?

What is keeping you from getting healed? Many have asked this question wondering why God has not healed them. Benny Hinn with Benny Hinn Ministries has traveled the world and seen thousands of healings take place and he is asked this question, and he gives the answer that many have been seeking.

“I can tell you what Ms. (Kathryn) Kuhlman used to say. ‘That God cannot heal people who are all wrapped up in themselves.’ …I have seen it in my own meetings; you see somebody who is so uptight, begging God to heal them. God cannot get through that. So, healing comes when they relax, and the presence of Jesus becomes more real than the disease. So, the minute the presence of the Lord is more real than the sickness, they’ll get healed.”

If you desire for healing right now, Benny gives a response of how to receive that healing. “All they have to do is focus on the Lord, and not the disease…” He shares how many people must come to him during a crusade and told him they were healed when they prayed for someone else. “Healing never comes when we focus on ourselves. And we are begging God, ‘Please’ …it doesn’t happen, and Ms. Kuhlman was right, they are wrapped in themselves, and when they are so wrapped in themselves, God cannot get through that. So, He waits till they relax. Forget about themselves, that’s the key, and the presence of the Lord is the only thing that allows you to forget yourself. So, when you see Jesus, you will not see your disease.”

Greg shares how this happened to him during the Brownsville Revival. He had a sickness in his esophagus. He was so busy serving others in the revival that he didn’t even know he had been healed! He celebrated by going to eat hot wings. Be encouraged by this word and let us know how God has healed you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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What God told Daniel Kolenda when He didn’t have time to Pray before speaking to 500,000 people

It is easy to get caught in the trap that God can only move through us when we do certain things. Daniel Kolenda, President and CEO of Christ for the Nations shares how he had this experience before he had to speak one time. It is a great reminder that God can work through us despite us and our actions.

Daniel shares how he had been on a long flight, and he was tired. He needed to rest, so he took a nap and planned to get up before the meeting to spend time in prayer. He gets woken up by someone pounding on the door saying that the meeting had already started, and he realized he had slept in. On the drive to the meeting, he shares his experience. “I felt anything but spiritual. I remember just praying, and I said Lord I am sorry, I am about to go speak to half a million people and I haven’t even prayed. And I felt the Lord say to me, ‘do not worry, I am not going to hold myself back because of you.’”

Daniel continues, “Here’s what makes the story unique from my perspective. When I went out there on the platform…announcements were going on…suddenly I hear this explosion of sound in the audience.” He says that he knows the sound because when someone gets healed everyone around the person gets excited. “I heard that sound during the announcements, and I looked, and a wheelchair went up in the air.” That was a first for someone to get healed in the announcements and then it happened again! Someone else was healed. The healings just kept happening. Daniel says that hundreds of miracles started happening in the crowd. The crowd was so loud because of the excitement that they couldn’t hear the man making the announcements anymore. “The fear of God came over me…without any music, without anyone praying there were miracles all over the place. I learned something that day about the miraculous…we all know that it is not about us, we all know we don’t make miracles. But I think that sometimes the Lord just has to show us that not only do we not make them but sometimes He does them despite us. I think that is one of the most powerful revelations that you can have in healing ministry.”

We can all take this wisdom from Daniel and know that no matter how God uses us, He can do it all without us, but He chooses to use us because He loves us! Because of this, it is important to always walk in the fear of the Lord and humility. It is God who draws people to Himself through us. Do you have a story like what Daniel shared or have you been healed? We want to hear about it! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Why did God Tell Evangelist Benny Hinn to Get Off the Platform?

God is a loving God, and He chooses to use us to share Him with others; sometimes though He reminds us that He can move without us and Benny Hinn shares how that happened to him. He has traveled the world and seen thousands of healings take place and he knows that when he hears God speak, he must listen right away.

“One time for the Lord to wake me up, He kicked me off the platform! He told me to get off the platform. I sat down. He said, ‘I told you, get off.’ So, I went off. He said, ‘I mean out.’ I went to the green room. He said, ‘No out!’ I went to my hotel, and the healings were still happening and people falling with nobody there touching them…what the Lord said to me was, ‘You tell them I am now behind the pulpit.’” The healings continued for at least two hours. Benny said that “God wants to show us it’s not us. When you focus on an individual, that’s when you don’t get it. You got to focus on Jesus.”

It can be easy when we are always in the glory of God to be familiar with it. Bill Johnson, Pastor of Bethel Church, shared recently how he was internally thinking wrong about a woman who was speaking. She was different than what he was used to. Heidi Baker was beside him and shared that this woman was in prostitution for many years and that she is now free from that. Bill said, “I forgot what the sound of freedom sounds like.” We must guard ourselves not to be familiar with God and His glory! In the words of Jesus:

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.  Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” Matthew 7:21-23

We must do what God has called us to do! Have you seen in your life where you have been familiar with God? If that is the case, you can repent now and get back in right standing with God. We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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