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Home » The Secret to Mr. Rogers Success: Spent Two Hours Every Day Abiding with the Lord

The Secret to Mr. Rogers Success: Spent Two Hours Every Day Abiding with the Lord



We continue the conversation about Mr. Rogers, of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Mr. Rogers did many things in his life. He was a children’s television presenter, actor, puppeteer, singer, composer, television producer, author, educator, and Presbyterian Minister. His life was recently recognized through a new documentary, Won’t You be my Neighbor, which is the 13th highest grossing documentary of all times! How was he able to do so many things with his life? He spent two hours a day abiding, spending time, with the Jesus!

Charlie Rose continues his interview of Mr. Rogers and asks the question of how he starts his day. “I get up every morning at least by five, have a couple hours of quiet time, reflect about what it is that is important, before I go swimming and then the business of the day…what can we do to encourage people to have more quiet in their lives, more silence? Real revelation comes through silence.” Are you able to be quiet? The most powerful thing you can do is to be quiet before the Lord. Jesus talks about abiding with Him, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” Mr. Rogers was able to accomplish all he did because he spent that quiet time every morning with the Lord. This is how we at VFNKB are able to do all that we do because we spend time with God every day. Imagine is the whole Church would abide with God every day and many want to spend time with God but they don’t know how to. You can get your free plan today and learn to spend time with God at iAbide. Sign up today and we will send you your plan right away and you can also join the VFNKB movement at the same time. We can all abide together in harmony hearing what Jesus saying and pleasing Father God at the same time. Be encouraged as we walk this our together. We want to hear from you and what you think about abiding! You can email us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Remembering Mr. Rogers (1994/1997) | Charlie Rose
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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