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Home » Abortion Worker Suggest “Flushing” Baby in Toilet if born at home?

Abortion Worker Suggest “Flushing” Baby in Toilet if born at home?



An abortionist organization confirms that they are supporting the killing of children after they are born. This is taking place right now in New York. Abortion has been happening for a long time as we saw in the days of Moses and even Jesus, but the enemy could not win! God is ending abortion in America which is why many that support abortion are panicking. Something awesome is about to happen in this generation which is why abortion is such a prominent thing, but the enemy will not win!

Live Action went undercover and is talking at an abortion clinic to an employee in New York about what she should do if her baby is born alive at home or in the clinic. They start talking about when the baby is born alive the abortion clinic will put the baby in a jar with a solution to kill the baby. The abortion worker said, “Once you start this today, that’s it. You’re not gonna see it (the baby), we’re not gonna show you your sonogram pictures…”

The undercover woman asks, “So (what) if I feel like I’m having, like, labor pain kinda thing.” The abortion worker says to call their office not the hospital. But if the baby is born at home, she says to flush the baby down the toilet! She also says that if the baby is born on the ground just to put it in a bag and bring the baby to the clinic.

If a baby is born at home, you need to call the hospital and try to keep the baby alive! What is happening in America is sacrifices to the god moloch! Many people are selfish and don’t want to care for another human being and don’t want the consequences of their actions. This innocent bloodshed in our nation has cursed our land because the blood has stained our land. Blood has a voice, and even the blood of Abel is crying out today!

“The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” Genesis 4:10

We ask God to end abortion at the end of every VFNtv program because we believe that until that happens, there cannot be a third great awakening. We are seeing where the ending of abortion is happening in our nation! We have President Donald Trump who is pro-life and many others who are standing up for life.

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant recently signed into law the Heartbeat Bill! Which means that once a heartbeat is detected the baby can’t be aborted! This is an answer to many people’s prayers, and we must continue to pray for abortion to be banned in all states. We want to hear from you. What do you think about this? Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Pixabay.com


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