Prophetic Alert: if America doesn’t stay on our Current Paths Religious Persecution coming to Christians in Three years says Prophet Chuck Pierce
We have much to be grateful for as there are good changes taking place in the United States and these positive changes are helping the world as well. Unfortunately, in China, the Church is under great persecution with crosses being taken down and burning Bibles and as all this is happening the government is denying their part in these tragedies that are taking place. Chuck Pierce gives a prophetic word stating that if America doesn’t stay on her current path, then we will be facing the same persecution.
“We just received a notice from China about the persecution that is going on governmentally…” Chuck remarks about three books that he wrote about what would happen in the Church prophetically. He wrote that in 2018 the Church would again be persecuted in China. He says how he saw the Church in China they were the future model of the Church for all to see. “The warning for nations to understand…that within three years after China started this, America would be prone to do it.”
Brian, a colleague of Chuck, shares the information that was sent to them from China. “Over a thousand crosses have been taken down by the police. They are now doing so province by province. A declaration to denounce Christian faith has been sent out to churches.”
Chuck continues, “The key to Donald Trump being in office has nothing to do with his character or anything like that. God chooses whom He will. He chose him to be in there to realign the world with the Bible and decree that Jerusalem would be the capital of Israel. That realigns the whole world with the Bible. The second thing God put him in there were for the judges and the justice system…the third thing was our economy which was being moved. You have to remember we are not democratic or republican anymore. We are capitalist and socialist and socialists really have an incredible plan to control us and to control the economy and wealth of the future…if we don’t keep moving the way we are moving in America, which started three years ago, what will happen is persecution will come, and controls will be put on religious freedom here within the next three years. I want to encourage you, keep standing, keep praying, keep decreeing these are critical times!”
We are just now dipping our toes in a righteous path, and we can see where our nation has come from. Your faith can get weak when you have nothing to hope for. You must have hope again! Enter back into a fresh time with God and get hope again. You can get help with a free plan to help you get back into quiet time with God at iAbide. Know that God cares, and all you need to do is connect your faith again with God. Be encouraged that God is establishing justice in America. Keep praying and seeking God! We want to hear from you. You can write to us at Greg and John shared in this segment.
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President Trump shares Warning in a Closed-Door Meeting with 100 Evangelical leaders
The Church has been established as it is, with tax-exempt status, because of what was written in the First Amendment. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” It is not established because of some law like the Johnson Amendment, but it is a Constitutional right! President Donald Trump is working to repeal the Johnson Amendment because it does restrict our rights for freedom of speech and he has signed an executive order to ease some restrictions from this amendment. Many Evangelical leaders recently met with President Trump and outside of what was broadcasted they had a private conversation that was only meant to stay in that room, but someone leaked this information, and this is a warning that we need to take heed of! We also need to remember that when we are entrusted with private information like this that we guard it and don’t betray a trust especially since we are representing Jesus to the world.
Reported by NBC News, “At stake in the November midterms, Trump told the audience, are all the gains he has made for conservative Christians.
“The level of hatred, the level of anger is unbelievable,” he said. “Part of it is because of some of the things I’ve done for you and for me and for my family, but I’ve done them. … This Nov. 6 election is very much a referendum on not only me; it’s a referendum on your religion, it’s a referendum on free speech and the First Amendment.”
“If the GOP loses, he said, “they will overturn everything that we’ve done, and they’ll do it quickly and violently. There’s violence. When you look at Antifa and you look at some of these groups — these are violent people.”
President Trump is pro-America, pro-life, and seeks direction and prayer from believers! We recently spoke about the many great accomplishments that he has done for our nation. He is leading the way to bring America back to her original intent.
How are we going to respond to what President Trump is warning the Church? We must pray for the President, pray for America, and get out and vote in the mid-term elections that are coming up! We can remember that the Church is a people, not a building and can be anywhere, in government, in education, in your family, in a coffee shop, and maybe in a building. The only reason why a building would be a “church” is that God’s people are gathered together in that building. We must stand up for the freedoms that we have in our U.S. Constitution! Keep believing and keep praying! We want to hear from you! You can write to us at Greg and John shared in this segment.
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