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Home » VFNKB #SuccessSecret Spanx CEO Sara Blakely Redefining Failure

VFNKB #SuccessSecret Spanx CEO Sara Blakely Redefining Failure




God is into your success and wants you to be fruitful in this short vapor of life that we have. In this VFNKB Success Secret, Spanx CEO, Sarah Blakely, will help us redefine failure. Failure is a part of the process and when we fail we must fail forward!

“Growing up, my father used to ask my brother and me what we had failed at, at the dinner table, which was so interesting, and he’d celebrate it.  And he’d actually be disappointed if I didn’t have something that I’d failed at that week…What it did was just re-frame my definition of failure. Failure for me became not trying versus the outcome. So many people don’t take risks for fear of failure. They don’t start the business, they don’t go create the art they want to create, or they don’t go try out to be in the play or whatever it is for the fear of failure. And once you redefine that for yourself and realize the failure is just not trying then life opens up to you in many ways.” Sarah continues talking about how her father would have her look at something she had failed at or been embarrassed by a situation and to fine the hidden gifts in the failure. “I started realizing in everything there was some amazing nugget that I wouldn’t have wanted to pass up.” She says that she talks openly about her failures in front of her team, calling them the ‘oops’ of Spanx, letting them know it is okay to fail. “If you’re going to have a ‘oops’, part of the beauty of it is twofold. If there is a ‘failure’ or an ‘oops’ in your life, if you learn from it and if you can laugh about it, then it’s all worth it.”

We all have had failures and ‘oops’ in our lives. In our culture many are shaming others when someone fails but we must keep trying no matter how many times we fail! Many that may try to shame you because you failed are most likely not doing anything with their lives. At your job the best thing you can do is to show your boss that you are willing to learn! Also own your mistakes! What are your thoughts on failure and pushing through the difficulties in your life? We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Spanx CEO Sara Blakely offers advice to redefine failure  
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