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Home » WATCH! “President Trump is an Enigma,” says Lance Wallnau + PROPHECY! “God Has Turned His Eye Toward Florida…Florida Backbone of the Nation,” Chuck Pierce

WATCH! “President Trump is an Enigma,” says Lance Wallnau + PROPHECY! “God Has Turned His Eye Toward Florida…Florida Backbone of the Nation,” Chuck Pierce




“President Trump is an Enigma,” says Dr. Lance Wallnau

In the United States, President Donald Trump has puzzled many people. He has been a President who fulfilled the things he promised to do along with leading the U.S. to be a stronger country! Dr. Lance Wallnau, who has prophesied before that President Trump is a wrecking ball, speaks on the Jim Bakker Show.

Dr. Wallnau gives great insight into President Trump and why he can’t be taken down, calling it the Trump enigma. An enigma is a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand. This characterizes President Trump! And as we have shared previously, there are seven mountains in culture, Faith, Business, Government, Education, Media, Arts and Entertainment, and the Family Mountain. We each have a place in one or more of the mountains of culture, and Dr. Wallnau speaks of President Trump’s place in the mountain of culture as well.

“Where did Trump come from? Trump came from the Media Mountain…” He says that President Trump has an anointing for the Media Mountain. Dr. Wallnau continues, “Think how genius God is. God takes a guy who is king of the Media Mountain, puts him in the political realm where he has no experience, and they all think he is going to be an idiot and that he is doing it wrong because he doesn’t know what he is doing. They try to take him down through media, but he already has an anointing for media…he was already at the top, he already is a king and a ruler in the media game. So, if media doesn’t make you, media cannot break you.”

He continues saying that President Trump is only getting stronger and believers must be a prayer shield around him because we are dealing with a spiritual war in America. Also, he points out how in government the Mueller investigation is taking a while to be completed, and the Lord said, “Betrayal is a different form of adversary That is in your house…betrayal is a far more awkward spirit to deal with.” We are reminded of Judas, who was a disciple of Jesus, and in the end, he betrayed Jesus.

Abraham Lincoln said, “As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.” Dr. Wallnau continues and says that satan is trying to get America to take herself out.

When we look at our nation, many crazy things are happening, and we see destruction taking place not only in government but also in the media and entertainment. The destruction is against their nation and people! Despite it, President Trump has stood strong, and we can see the anointing that God has placed on him to be the President of the United States. He can do what he is doing because God has enabled him to do it! God has good plans in store for America.

Greg shares how God showed him that President Trump would become the President before it happened. It is important for us to look at how the President is doing things. Where there are negative things said the President speaks positive and affirmatively over that thing. As believers, we must do the same thing! We can ignore the negative “press” and declare the things that God has said will happen.

Be encouraged to pray for a sweeping transformation across the land, for the government for each position that needs to be filled, and to shift America into what God wants to do. Also, to pray specifically for President Trump. Do you think President Trump is an enigma? We want to hear from you! You can contact us in the VFNKB Community HERE or write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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PROPHECY! “God Has Turned His Eye Toward Florida…Florida Backbone of the Nation,” Chuck Pierce

God has turned His eye to Florida says Chuck Pierce of Glory of Zion Ministries! Greg shares that several years ago he and his team had looked at moving VFNKB’s VFNtv Studio to the state of Texas from Florida because Texas was considered a HUB state apostolically. It was one of 23 apostolic HUB states that were in covenant with the Lord that Chuck and Dutch Sheets had prophesied about at that time; Florida was hanging in the balance along with California. That has changed, and our studio stayed in Florida because God spoke to Greg that he needed to establish an apostolic HUB which has been done with the VFN Dream Center in Florida! We hear from Chuck as he shared prophetically what God has shown him because the Kingdom people of Florida have shifted their hearts to God.

Chuck is speaking in Tallahassee, which is the capital of Florida, at the Time to Plow Conference in June 2019. He shares how Florida was hanging in the balance as being in covenant with God. “But God! He shifted His eye towards Florida this year because someway Florida and its Kingdom people have shifted their heart toward Him…”

He continues by saying that God showed him from heaven, the state of Florida, and there was a snake-like highway through the middle of it. When God spoke to Chuck, He said, “I am ready to change what travels through Florida this year…look what I have done in Florida. I have shifted the trafficking of darkness. What was a snakelike dimension of control that controlled Florida, I have now made Florida the backbone for My nation for the future.”

Chuck says it was an amazing shift he saw in Florida. “It showed me that we had entered this calendar year a shift in America from state to state to state. What was and had controlled the states were not going to be able to control them any longer.”

The Time to Plow Conference was held in Tallahassee to specifically deal with the spiritual realm that was trying to stop the move of God from moving north. “From Tallahassee, there was a confederation working that would attempt to stop the move of God through Florida into Georgia and all the way up through the east coast and west. That’s how powerful the move of God in Florida is going to be…we are talking about a move of God that creates the backbone for our nation in days ahead…I have gathered in Tallahassee to unravel a three-fold cord and confederation of spiritual forces that would stop the move of God right at the key moment, from moving into Georgia…and creating a move of God all along the east coast and then that move of God would go west, south, and north. And the Lord said that move of God now is in the midst of my people and Tallahassee becomes the key to this move of God in days ahead…”

Chuck continues by emphasizing the importance of the move of God in Florida. “Of all the states in America that I have prayed for this year, this (Florida) is number one because the eye of the Lord is on this state. The eye of the Lord is on the Church in this state. The eye of the Lord is on the Kingdom shift in this state. Georgia is waiting for the fiery baton to be tossed to it from this state.”

Next, he says that the Lord said northern Florida becomes a key issue, which is why Chuck is in Tallahassee. “We are here to unlock this move of God that will be filled with revelation, be filled with provision, and be filled with power…”

Greg shares how this past week, Jesus showed Himself to Greg and that He is inviting us to come love Him! We have been designed to love God! A move of God is all about God showing up and Him loving on us and us loving on Him. In that love, every heart is reached because every man has a hole in his heart that only God can fill. God showed Greg also that the whistle of God would blow, and a huge harvest of souls would come into the Kingdom of God.

Be prepared for the harvest! You need to prepare and position yourself for this harvest coming in! One way to do this is to make sure that you are right with God and to establish an abiding relationship with Him if you haven’t already. Abiding is spending time with the Lord by reading His Word and praying; having a relationship with Him. If you need help with this, you can get your free plan at iAbide HERE and start today! Position yourself to be ready to take care of the harvest. What do you think about Florida being the backbone of America? What do you think about God shifting His eye to Florida? We want to hear from you! How have you positioned yourself to be ready for the harvest of souls? Write to us at [email protected] or visit our VFNKB Community to contact us HERE. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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