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Home » PROPHECY! 2020 Is a Hinge Year in America! IT IS TIME! Dutch Sheets 

PROPHECY! 2020 Is a Hinge Year in America! IT IS TIME! Dutch Sheets 




Dutch Sheets continues by sharing another prophetic word concerning America and that the year 2020 is a hinge year! There is a war for the soul of America. The hate we are seeing right now is demonically inspired with the media pulling out all it has. But God needs America for what He wants to do and the enemy is losing the war and he hates that because the demonic momentum has been stopped. This warfare will not end though so we must keep worshiping, praying, and decreeing what God has said! Don’t be focused on what is happening demonically but stay focused on God and what He is doing. We must be on the defense when it comes to all the enemy is trying to do versus being reactionary. We can be ahead of the devil determining what takes place! It is time!!

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19

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Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Dutch Sheets Prophecy


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