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Home » PROPHECY! “Confusion Coming to the Financial System.” Kenneth Copeland



Kenneth Copeland was not only shown this mighty coming move of God’s Spirit, he was also shown how confusion will greatly affect the financial system. “I dreamed I was in an airport in Nashville, Tennessee and I didn’t need to go. When the airplane was closed to boarding, I decided to go to the restroom, and I didn’t need to go. I went into a restaurant and asked if they had a restroom I could use and the young man said no. I said aww c’mon man! I peeled off a bill from a wad of money I had in my pocket…They took me to the restroom I decided to go in. I decided to give the other young man a bill. I noticed the bills had no numbers on it.” Remember this: that is the world’s system. This is not God’s system. God has a totally different Kingdom of finance. God has good plans for those who are His!

PROPHETIC ENCOUNTER WITH THE LORD [THE ECONOMY] Greg Lancaster also received a prophetic vision of the days ahead. In this prophetic encounter with the Lord, Greg was walking amongst a group of tents that were all joined together. Imagine being in the desert in the Middle East. As Greg was walking through the tents, he was seeing this industry taking place. Military aircraft is flying overhead, manufacturing is taking place in hangars, and the economy is booming. While he is seeing all of this take place, the Lord suddenly says to him, “if this thing stops for 11 days, it can all stop. Everything can shift”. Presently, the current American national debt is over $22 Trillion. It’s important to prepare for this confusion. Consider having 90 days of resources of food for you and your family. Applicable wisdom is to live within your means. It’s important to pray and seek the Lord for wisdom about your current situation.

Be encouraged as you see the whole conversation and all of the prophetic insights that Kenneth Copeland was given by the Lord, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Holy Spirit, Outpourings, Charismatic Renewal Movement, Charles Simpson, prophecy, dreams, and visions, Kenneth Copeland, financial markets, currency, Holy Spirit, wisdom and revelation. Greg shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Kenneth Copeland and the Future of America  

Emmaus Road Discipleship

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