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Home » WATCH! PROPHECY 2020, Dreams, Visions Will Increase, Revival Among Young, Political Figure Who Cause Division Will be Removed, Economy Fragile and much more for 2020

WATCH! PROPHECY 2020, Dreams, Visions Will Increase, Revival Among Young, Political Figure Who Cause Division Will be Removed, Economy Fragile and much more for 2020




PROPHECY 2020, Dreams, Visions Will Increase, Revival Among Young, Political Figure Who Cause Division Will be Removed, Economy Fragile and much more for 2020 

There have been mighty moves of God throughout the landscape of our history that has touched many souls. One of these past moves of God was the Charismatic Movement that took place in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Charles Simpson recently spent time with VFNtv talking about his experiences during those special moments with the Lord. What took place in those days is going to begin to happen again in 2020.

When speaking with Pat Robertson on The 700 Club, Kenneth Copeland recently shared what the Lord revealed to him would be happening in the days ahead. “This will be a year when dreams and visions are greatly increased. And He said you’re going to see sons and daughters. He said there’s going to be an outstanding outpouring of My Spirit among our young people that hasn’t happened since the 60’s and 70’s…It’s just going to explode among our young people!” This is so exciting! It’s time to refocus our heart upon the harvest of souls that God releasing upon the nations of the world.

Can you imagine 1,000 people a week joining your church? This is EXACTLY what Rick Joyner has said would happen and what it would be like. Joyner emphasizes the important groundwork that we must begin to do now in order to be prepared to take in such a harvest. “We need to raise up hundreds of thousands of teachers. We need teachers ready to take new believers and get them established soundly on sound doctrine and make disciples, not just converts.” The staggering reality that Joyner continues to point out is the need to change how ministry is even carried out. “It is not going to work on the model of ministry that is now demonstrated in much of the Church. It’s like spectator sport. You pay your entry fee and come watch a few people do it every week. No! We’ve all gotta be engaged.” If we’re not focused on Jesus and what Jesus values, the soul of a person, that we are going to completely miss what He is doing in our generation! Jesus didn’t call us to make converts. He called us to make disciples; those who will say yes to Jesus, who follows Jesus, and follows the teachings of Jesus.

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Kenneth Copeland was not only shown this mighty coming move of God’s Spirit, he was also shown how confusion will greatly affect the financial system. “I dreamed I was in an airport in Nashville, Tennessee and I didn’t need to go. When the airplane was closed to boarding, I decided to go to the restroom, and I didn’t need to go. I went into a restaurant and asked if they had a restroom I could use and the young man said no. I said aww c’mon man! I peeled off a bill from a wad of money I had in my pocket…They took me to the restroom I decided to go in. I decided to give the other young man a bill. I noticed the bills had no numbers on it.” Remember this: that is the world’s system. This is not God’s system. God has a totally different Kingdom of finance. God has good plans for those who are His!

PROPHETIC ENCOUNTER WITH THE LORD [THE ECONOMY] Greg Lancaster also received a prophetic vision of the days ahead. In this prophetic encounter with the Lord, Greg was walking amongst a group of tents that were all joined together. Imagine being in the desert in the Middle East. As Greg was walking through the tents, he was seeing this industry taking place. Military aircraft is flying overhead, manufacturing is taking place in hangars, and the economy is booming. While he is seeing all of this take place, the Lord suddenly says to him, “if this thing stops for 11 days, it can all stop. Everything can shift”. Presently, the current American national debt is over $22 Trillion. It’s important to prepare for this confusion. Consider having 90 days of resources of food for you and your family. Applicable wisdom is to live within your means. It’s important to pray and seek the Lord for wisdom about your current situation.

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It’s important to remember that nothing happens outside of God’s timing and God’s awareness. God is in charge. Kenneth Copeland also shared how the Lord showed him how the great cloud of witnesses is playing an important role in this present season. “But those who have gone before us, the great cloud of witnesses, led by Jesus, are, by intercession, holding things together until the great change has come.” We can’t define the next age that we are entering by looking at the present age that we are in. God has told us these days are coming. God is prophetically letting us know now that things are going to be different.

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As we can see, everything imaginable in our culture is going to be affected. This also includes the political reams. Kenneth Copeland also shares what God showed him regarding the government of America. “Those politicians that refused my call to unite and become the United States of America and not just America, those politicians that refuse to listen, those politicians that continue the pathway of hate, I will remove them from their place. I will remove their influence from the record books. And, I will remove their candle in their families. And I will remove them from office and will put somebody in there that will.” Copeland continues to describe what these coming days will look like in the political realm. “It will be days of political change. Great victories and great defeats. For the spiritual enemies of God and the enemies of His people shall be crushed.” Copeland brings understanding to these words when he reminds us that this is spiritual enemies, not flesh and blood, not people. Copeland continues again what the Spirit of the Lord showed him.

“There are those on both sides of the political divide who refuse to listen to the Lord Advocate General of the Church. Their dreams shall be dashed. Their desires shall be wounded. They will be removed from their offices and replaced. Some by the ballot, some by tragedy, some who in despair will quit and go do something else…This is My country…It was founded by people who love Me for the sole purpose of their love and desire to worship Me and to worship the Almighty God. I will never forget that. Change. 2020. The year of change and manifested power.”

It’s important to remember that 2020 is an election year. Presidential elections are coming up in November. It is time to pay attention and listen to how God leads you to personally vote for those who are candidates in your specific counties and states. God is going to clean house! God is going to deal with those that divide His nation.

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A wonderful change is coming to the Church! Kenneth Copeland shares what God showed him prophetically will bring change to the Church soon.

“Wonderful and magnificent changes in the Kingdom of God in the earth. Changes that will come because of insights, ideas and concepts directly from Jesus to His Church by His mighty Spirit. Glorious concepts of how His laws work. The laws governing increase and financial prosperity, the laws of the Spirit that release miracles and divine healings and manifestations of His might power on the earth. New concepts of His love, His very person for He is love. Insights into the true strength of His joy.”

God will be dropping wisdom nuggets into the Church! Greg shares how God showed him that a wealth transfer is coming to the Church and we must be prepared individually to handle the wealth to help bring in the harvest of souls! We must set ourselves up with key strategies too to be able to fight for the success of God’s Kingdom coming to the earth. You can get your copy of I Will Fight: 10 Strategies for Success HERE.

Be encouraged as you see the whole conversation and all of the prophetic insights that Kenneth Copeland was given by the Lord, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Holy Spirit, Outpourings, Charismatic Renewal Movement, Charles Simpson, prophecy, dreams, and visions, Kenneth Copeland, financial markets, currency, Holy Spirit, wisdom and revelation. Greg shared in this segment.

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