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Home » Insight, Ideas & Concepts Coming to the Church! Kenneth Copeland



A wonderful change is coming to the Church! Kenneth Copeland shares what God showed him prophetically will bring change to the Church soon.

“Wonderful and magnificent changes in the Kingdom of God in the earth. Changes that will come because of insights, ideas and concepts directly from Jesus to His Church by His mighty Spirit. Glorious concepts of how His laws work. The laws governing increase and financial prosperity, the laws of the Spirit that release miracles and divine healings and manifestations of His might power on the earth. New concepts of His love, His very person for He is love. Insights into the true strength of His joy.”

God will be dropping wisdom nuggets into the Church! Greg shares how God showed him that a wealth transfer is coming to the Church and we must be prepared individually to handle the wealth to help bring in the harvest of souls! We must set ourselves up with key strategies too to be able to fight for the success of God’s Kingdom coming to the earth. You can get your copy of I Will Fight: 10 Strategies for Success HERE.

Be encouraged as you see the whole conversation and all of the prophetic insights that Kenneth Copeland was given by the Lord, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Holy Spirit, Outpourings, Charismatic Renewal Movement, Charles Simpson, prophecy, dreams, and visions, Kenneth Copeland, financial markets, currency, Holy Spirit, wisdom and revelation. Greg shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Kenneth Copeland and the Future of America  

Emmaus Road Discipleship

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