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Home » Are Kanye West & Justin Bieber God’s Wrecking Balls to the Church? Jeremiah Johnson Prophetic Word

Are Kanye West & Justin Bieber God’s Wrecking Balls to the Church? Jeremiah Johnson Prophetic Word




We are living in exciting times and witnessing amazing works through the hands of the Lord as He brings the nations of the world to Himself. When Jeremiah Johnson recently shared on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, he talked about a prophetic encounter the Lord gave him and how many people would be coming to Christ.

Johnson explains, “the Lord said to me “just as I have raised up Donald Trump as a wrecking ball to the political arena, so shall I raise up Kayne West as another wrecking ball to the religious arena”. As Johnson continues to describe this encounter from the Lord, he highlights how he saw 3 different people on the platform: President Donald Trump, Kanye West, and Justin Bieber. If that doesn’t get your attention, how the people responded surely will. Johnson continues, “as they began to speak to the crowd, it was at a church; it was a 50/50 split. And what I mean by that is that half of the Christians were enraged.” After seeing the response from the crowd, the Lord continued to speak to Johnson, “even as I have raised up Donald Trump, I’ll raise up Kanye West; I’ll raise up Justin Bieber to drive the religious spirit out of the Church.”

When the world witnessed Kanye West’s bold declaration for Christ as the media broadcasted more and more attention to his life change, the Lord again spoke to Johnson about what the Spirit of the Lord was doing. “I have given Kanye West as a gift to Donald Trump because he is going to win him votes in the African American community that he needs to win the 2020 election.” It is because of God’s angels shifting things at just the right time that we are witnessing the events upon the Earth that we are seeing. Kanye West recently released an album titled “Jesus is King”! God is moving!

When the Spirit of God moves mightily upon the land, winning hearts and bringing souls to Himself through Jesus, don’t be surprised when you see a religious spirit rising suddenly to attack and hinder people from coming to Christ. The exact same thing took place during Jesus’ ministry and it is still occurring today.

Be encouraging and consumed with expectation as you see the whole conversation about what God is doing. Also shared in this segment: Jeremiah Johnson, prophecy, Sid Roth It’s Supernatural, salvation, the Kingdom of God, Kanye West, President Donald Trump, 2020 Presidential Election, Justin Bieber, Jesus is King album, government mountain, entertainment mountain, and spiritual warfare. Greg Lancaster shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Kanye West Wikipedia.com and Justin Bieber Wikipedia.com

2020 Prophetic Outlook with Hank Kunneman, Tracy Cooke & Jeremiah Johnson


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