Sometimes our environments can change so fast, and the speed at which things transform and increase can be so constant, that we can become numb and familiar to these ever-changing realities. No other generation upon the face of the Earth has experienced the amount of information that we presently experience every day. We are in the information age and it is only getting faster. In these ever-increasing changing days, God has His own advancements that He is going to make known. When Hank Kunneman recently shared on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, he talked about some of the things that the Lord has shown him.
“We have already entered into the Revolution of Light…There is going to come a device that is going to be a bypass for bypass surgery, for your heart.” Kunneman continued to share, “God said, “a recovery of sight to the blind through this discovery of light; a reversal of blindness”. This is so exciting to see what God can do through technology. Amidst these great discoveries, keep Jesus Christ front and center of our hearts and not technology.
We cannot even imagine what the days ahead are going to be like. We are right in the middle of two Ages, transitioning from one to the other. Can you imagine what it would have been like for the generation who was used to daily life riding on horseback also witness the invention of the automobile and how life would forever be different? We are in a similar transition. The exciting truth to take hold of is that God is going to use this new technology to get His Word out to the nations of the world!
God specifically showed John Kilpatrick some of the might wonders that would be done for the Kingdom through the internet and technology.
“The Lord said there is coming a great International Harvest of Souls through the internet and online. He said that the internet will light up as the Holy Spirit accelerates His mighty wonders. He also said the net and the lines will bring tremendous and miraculous provision to the Body of Christ because time is of the essence and the waters are abundant for harvest.”
This is that! So many prophetic words of encouragement are converging at this intersection of time and history. Also shared in this segment: prophetic words, prophecy, Sid Roth, Information Age, Agricultural Age, Industrial Age, heart surgery, medicine, John Kilpatrick, hope, and encouragement. Greg Lancaster shared in this segment.
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2020 Prophetic Outlook with Hank Kunneman, Tracy Cooke & Jeremiah Johnson
Emmaus Road Discipleship
VFN Kingdom Business
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