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Home » PROPHECY! Baby Boomers Must Arise in 2020 Elections in America! Jeremiah Johnson



This is a prophecy! God is preparing us for what is going to happen in the nation of America! Jeremiah Johnson, an apostolic overseer of Heart of the Father Ministry, bestselling author, and founder and director of Maranatha School of Ministry delivers a prophetic word. He is speaking on Sid Roth It’s Supernatural and shares how the Baby Boomers must rise up for the 2020 elections and that God wants to prosper us.

“I believe God’s plan for us is to prosper us and to give us peace…there has to be a plumb line. There has to be a standard of righteousness that the people might discern evil from good and good from evil.”

Johnson continues by sharing a prophetic dream where President Donald Trump was running, something like the Boston Marathon and he fell before the finish line. He could hear the liberal people yelling and shouting at President Trump. As he watched, he saw two older women, one on a cane and one with a walker make it through the crowds. They supernaturally picked up President Trump and helped him get to the finish line. Those two women represent the praying Church, but they are also the Baby Boomers, who were born from 1946-1964. “This election [2020] is not in the bag. We have got to have the Boomers arise and pray. There will be supernatural praying going on, but the future of America, I believe, is bright. But we have to get back to the place of prayer.”

Pray and then act! There is a low percentage of Americans who do not get out and vote! If the people who follow God and have a Biblical worldview vote, they will help to turn this nation around. We are battling in America for what kind of nation we will be and what we will stand for. In the Obama administration prophetically, we believe that they had a plan for Hillary Clinton to be in office for two terms after President Barack Obama. He could have appointed around 100 judges, but he didn’t, and we believe those appointments were saved for Hillary when she got in office. But God had other plans for America. This is much more than an election, because it is about a harvest of souls coming to know Jesus Christ.

Greg shares a prophetic dream he had where he saw pastors of many ages sitting on ice waiting for the right moment to be trained up to be a pastor. You can ask God for a shepherd’s heart to speak into people’s lives and be a pastor, shepherding God’s people. Just say yes to God if you feel called to shepherd, to lay down your life for the flock, and get under a spiritual leader. Get the wisdom and training you need to walk this out. If you are not connected with a pastor, you can contact us, and we can help you! Contact us HERE. These are exciting days for followers of the Lord!

What do you think about this prophecy? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE. Greg shared in this segment. 

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

2020 Prophetic Outlook with Hank Kunneman, Tracy Cooke & Jeremiah Johnson

Emmaus Road Discipleship

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