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Home » Prophetic Dream: President Donald Trump’s Sweeping Win Against the Left’s Candidate

Prophetic Dream: President Donald Trump’s Sweeping Win Against the Left’s Candidate

Binary Poll of Americans Shows They Overwhelmingly Want Trump as Their President


I was given this prophetic dream on July 7, 2020. Former presidential candidate Herman Cain was running a poll. Many people were saying, “Anybody but Trump has won, so it’s over.” In response, Cain conducted a poll between two candidates: the left side represented “the left” (DNC), and the right side represented “conservatives” [Trump]. The poll on the device was set up like a graph, and people would place their dot, or a dot would appear, indicating where they stood on each candidate. You can see my best rendition of that graph in the image above.

There were as many options on the left as on the right regarding voters’ positions on the issues. However, if a voter’s dot landed anywhere on the left side, it counted as a vote for “the left” (DNC’s candidate). Currently, that would be Biden, but in the dream, God didn’t reveal the name, only “the left.”

When the poll was finished, there were virtually no dots on the left side (indicating almost no support for “the left’s” candidate). Meanwhile, the right side had an overwhelming number of dots, representing Americans’ desire to vote for Trump. These dots formed a large image, clustering together into a massive tornado-shaped mass on Trump’s side. Eventually, they started spinning together as one, creating a tornado-like form.

Cain then said, “See, I told you, Trump was going to win overwhelmingly.” While this wasn’t an election, it could represent it. I wrote this at the time.

In October 2016, in a previous prophetic dream, God had shown me that Trump would be elected President. This vision was clearer than the 2020 “poll” dream. In the 2016 dream, President Obama walked me to the White House and said goodbye. When I opened the door, I realized it was the White House and saw Donald Trump with his transition team, sitting on a couch. He looked both surprised by his win and determined, as if saying, ‘OK, let’s do this.’ I walked up, congratulated him, and shook his hand. His handshake was firm, and he pulled me in, holding my hand for a moment. Then I saw the White House filling with people representing all backgrounds in America. The Lord showed me that Trump would be a friend to the Church and that “the people” of America would regain the White House as “the people’s house.” We’ve seen all that God told me come to pass.

I share this to encourage you that God does nothing without revealing His plans so that His people can be encouraged and know those plans (Amos 3:7).

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